Page 32 - Shimadzu Dynamic and Fatigue Testing Systems
P. 32

Torsional Dynamic and Fatigue Testing System
            EHF-T Series

                                                                                            Automobiles  Steel, Metals, Machines  R&D
            Stationary Torsional Dynamic and Fatigue Testing System with
            High Rigidity Frame and Large Testing Space

               Large Testing Space                               Supports a Wide
                                                                 Variety of Tests
              With a 1000 mm wide testing space, this system is
              perfect for evaluating the reliability and endurance of   By using an extensive selection of optional
              long parts, such as composite parts that combine   products, such as grips and atmospheric
              multiple materials or structural materials. The testing   control testing units, these systems can be   Hydraulic collet-type rod grip
              space can be adjusted using a handle.            used for a wide variety of applications.
                                                                Testing space adjustment handle

                                                                                             Testing space adjustment handle

                 High-Rigidity Frame                            High-Performance Torque Actuator
            A frame with high torsional rigidity allows the system to accurately control torque   Loads up to the actuator capacity of ±0.5 to 10 k/N  can be applied. It can be used in
            and rotation angle during measurements.             combination with various other testing systems as well.

            Specifications              S                                           S         Testing space adjustment handle

                                          H                 T-slot M                 H                    T-slot M
                                                  G                                           G
                                                            Base stand                                    Base stand

                                        E               F                           E                F
                                    Testing machine for 0.5 kNm loads            Testing machine for 1 to 10 kNm loads

                          Model                EHF-TV05kNm-010  EHF-TV1kNm-020  EHF-TV2kNm-040  EHF-TV5kNm-070  EHF-TV10kNm-110
               Maximum capacity  Dynamic / static  ±0.5/±0.75kN/m  ±1/±1.5kN/m  ±2/±3kN/m  ±5/±7.5kN/m  ±10/±15kN/m
                        Loading method                            Electric-hydraulic servo (cross-looped system)
                       Max. torsion angle                                   ±50 deg
                  Cycle speed and amplitude (sine wave)              See amplitude characteristics charts.
                         Control mode                              Torque control and torsion angle control
                                   Torque             Within ±1 % of indicated value or within ±0.05 % of dynamic rating, whichever is greater
                Static accuracy
                                 Torsion angle       Within ±1.5 % of indicated value or within ±0.15 % of dynamic rating, whichever is greater
                             S : Flange spacing                     0 to 1000 mm                     0 to 1200 mm
                             H : Height at center of torque  300 mm  300 mm  350 mm      400 mm        400 mm
                            F×E : Table area(width × length)  600×1600 mm  760×1900 mm  650×2000 mm  800×2100 mm  1000×2500 mm
                Loading frame
                 (testing space)  G : Torque shaft height  900 mm  1100 mm  1150 mm      850 mm        850 mm
                             M : T-slot size (nominal)  14 mm   22 mm        22 mm        22 mm        22 mm
                                                                                                     Approx. 3200 kg
                            Weight (including actuator)  About 830 kg  Approx. 950 kg  Approx. 1700 kg  Approx. 2600 kg
                                                                                                    (excluding base stand)
             Hydraulic power supply unit used  Model  QF-10B   QF-20B        QF-40B       QF-70B       QF-110B

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