Page 33 - Shimadzu Dynamic and Fatigue Testing Systems
P. 33

Characteristic Amplitude Curves (60 Hz)

                      TV05kNm-010                         TV1kNm-020                          TV2kNm-040
             100                                 100                                 100

             Half-amplitude (deg)  10 1  10000   Half-amplitude (deg)  10 1  10000   Half-amplitude (deg)  10 1  10000  EHF Series  Electric Hydraulic Dynamic and Fatigue Testing System
                                    100                                100                                  100
             0.1                    deg/sec      0.1                    deg/sec      0.1                    deg/sec
              0.1     1 1deg/sec  10 10deg/sec  100  0.1  1 1deg/sec  10 10deg/sec  100  0.1  1 1deg/sec  10 10deg/sec  100
                     Frequency (Hz)                      Frequency (Hz)                       Frequency (Hz)
                      TV5kNm-070                         TV10kNm-110
             100                                 100
                                                                                 The above characteristic curves indicate the relation between
                                                                                 half-amplitude and cycle speed, given sine wave motion at the
                                                                                 rated load level.
             Half-amplitude (deg)  1  1000       Half-amplitude (deg)  1  1000   factors to determine actual amplitude characteristics.
                                                                                 The above characteristics do not include the frame or torque
                                                                                 cell characteristics. Compensate for the in uence of these
                                                                                 The indicated characteristic values were calculated based on
                                                                                 typical characteristics of the servo valve being used, which
                                                                                 may result in a frequency band difference of about 10 %.
                                                                                 The indicated characteristic values were calculated assuming a
                                                                                 moment of inertia of zero for the jig and sample.
                                                                                 The indicated characteristics are for regions with a 60 Hz   EMT/NJ-SERVO/MMT Series  Electric Fatigue and Endurance Test System
                                    100                                 100      power supply. Characteristics in regions with 50 Hz power will
             0.1                    deg/sec      0.1                    deg/sec  be about 5/6 of indicated values.
              0.1     1  1deg/sec  10 10deg/sec  100  0.1  1  1deg/sec  10  10deg/sec  100
                      Frequency (Hz)                      Frequency (Hz)
            Portable Torsional Actuator
            EHF-TQJ Series                                     Freely Movable Testing Machine
                                                               Based on Sample
                                                               In addition to a movable air-cooled hydraulic power supply unit, the torsional actuator
            For Testing the Torsional Endurance of             can also be freely moved. Therefore, it offers broad applicability for evaluating the
             Various Parts and Components                      torsional endurance of products, components, and other full-size samples.
                                                                     AF-10B                              AF-10B
                                                       TQJ-05KNV     AF-20B                  TQJ-1KNV    AF-20B
                                                 100                    10000         100                           Servo Controller 4830  Controller for Dynamic and Fatigue Testing Systems
                                                 Half-amplitude (deg)  10 1  deg/sec  Half-amplitude (deg)  10 1  10000
                                                                        100                                 100
                                                 0.1                    deg/sec       0.1                   deg/sec
                                                  0.1    1  1deg/sec  10 10deg/sec  100  0.1  1  1deg/sec  10 10deg/sec 100
                                                          Frequency (Hz)                      Frequency (Hz)
                                              Note: Indicated values are for regions with a 60 Hz power supply. Characteristics in regions with 50 Hz power will be about 5/6 of
                                                 indicated values.
                     Model            TQJ-05kNV-A10       TQJ-05kNV-A20       TQJ-1kNV-A10        TQJ-1kNV-A20
                 Maximum capacity          Dynamic: 500 Nm  Static: 750 Nm         Dynamic: 1 kNm  Static: 1.5 kNm
                                               Main movable testing machine unit (excluding torque actuator, torque cell, and servo valve),
                 Product composition               Servo Controller 4830*, air-cooled hydraulic power supply unit (with casters),
                                        hydraulic lines (5 m high-pressure rubber hose, routed above floor), wiring (routed above floor), and standard accessories
                 Max. torsion angle                                   ±50 deg                                        Various Dynamic Testing Systems
             Cycle speed and amplitude (sine wave)           See the amplitude characteristics curves.
                  Control mode                              Torque control and torsion angle control
                         Torque                Within ±1 % of indicated value or within ±0.05 % of dynamic rating, whichever is greater
             Static accuracy
                       Torsion angle          Within ±1.5 % of indicated value or within ±0.15 % of dynamic rating, whichever is greater
             Hydraulic power supply unit used  AF-10B       AF-20B              AF-10B              AF-20B
                    Weight            Approx. 140 kg      Approx. 160 kg      Approx. 140 kg      Approx. 160 kg
            * A separate table is required for installation of the controller.

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