Page 34 - Shimadzu Dynamic and Fatigue Testing Systems
P. 34

Water-Cooled Hydraulic Power Supply Unit
            QF Series

            These hydraulic power supply units are designed speci cally for electric-hydraulic dynamic and
            fatigue testing systems. The system includes an oil pump, oil tank,  lter, cooler, pressure
            regulator, and other equipment.

              The oil pump is a gear pump with minimal pulsing and low noise.
              The  lter includes a 3-micron element that helps prevent wear in the servo
              valve and other equipment.
              Space savings have been achieved by orienting the pump and motor vertically
              (QF-10B to 70B, AF-4, and AF-10B to 20B).

             Model                       QF-10B      QF-20B     QF-40B      QF-70B      QF-110*      QF-140
             Applicable    L-type
             testing system  JF-type
                           50Hz          9L/min     19L/min     42L/min     68L/min     108L/min     138L/min
             Output (approx.)
                           60Hz          11L/min    24L/min     51L/min     81L/min     104L/min     162L/min
             Oil pressure  Normal                                     21MPa
             Hydraulic oil                                           Mobil DTE 25
                           Type                                   Fixed output gear pump
                           Number of units                              1                              2
             Motor         Capacity       5.5kw      11kw        22kw        37kw        45kw        37kw×2
             Oil filter                                                3 m
             Tank capacity                90L         90L        190L        300L        500L         590L
             Operating noise (at 21 MPa)  74dBA      76dBA       78dBA      80dBA       83dBA        85dBA
                           Single-phase 100 V                          1.5kVA
             Power requirements
                           Three-phase 200 V  8kVA   16kVA       32kVA      47kVA       57kVA        93kVA
             Cooling water volume required  20L/min  20L/min    65L/min     80L/min     110L/min  150/180L/min(050Hz/60Hz)
             Compatible cooling tower (tons of cooling)  2  3     5           10         20            20
                           Width (mm)    830mm       920mm      1100mm      1200mm      1730mm       1950mm
             Main unit     Depth         750mm       750mm      860mm       1000mm      1290mm       1500mm
             dimensions (approx.)
                           Height        1235mm     1235mm      1400mm      1600mm      1370mm       1550mm
             Weight        Including oil  Approx. 530 kg  Approx. 530 kg  Approx. 720 kg  Approx. 1040 kg  Approx. 1500 kg  Approx. 2200 kg
             Recommended circuit breaker capacity   50A/15A  100A/15A  150A/15A  225A/15A  300A/15A  400A/15A
             (3-phase 200 V / 1-phase 100 V)
             The indicated operating noise values are provided for reference and are not guaranteed.
             The operating noise level may vary depending on the installation site conditions.
            * 50 Hz and 60 Hz models are available for the QF-110 only.
                                                                                             max. 1100
                        max. 830                         max. 920
                                max. 750                          max. 750        Cooling water        max. 860
                                                                                  Rc 1
               Cooling water                  Cooling water
               Rc 3/4                         Rc 3/4
                          Hydraulic line connector          Hydraulic line connector            Hydraulic line connector
                        QF-10B                           QF-20B                              QF-40B
                                                                                                   Control panel  450
                                                                                                   (separate unit)
                                                        740                                 max.1950
                                                      Control panel  440
                                                      (separate unit)
                                                       1400        55        Cooling water
                        max. 1200                                   Cooling water  Rc1 1/4
                                                                    RC1 1/4
                                   max. 1000                         850
            Cooling water                                               max.1290                            max.1500
            Rc 1
                                                                                               Oil  ll port air breather (CAB-70AW)
                         Hydraulic line connector                                              (CAB-70AW)
                                                 Hydraulic line connector              Hydraulic line connector
                        QF-70B                           QF-110                              QF-140

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