Page 16 - Shimadzu SPM-9700HT
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SPM Data Room Website

                     The SPM Data Room website includes examples of new observation data, applications, a list of
                     scientific articles, and a list of presentations.

                     Applications  Observation Examples         TOP                   Scienti c Article List  Presentation List


                                                SPM Data Room

                     01     Living Organisms                       03     Non-Metals

                     E. coli Bacteria                              Ferroelectric Domains
                                          E. coli bacteria were dried on a
                                          substrate and observed in liquid
                                          (Data provided by Ms. Ikemoto and
                                          Dr. Kogure, Atmosphere and Ocean
                                          Research Institute, The University of   Etched Surface of
                                          Tokyo)                   Pb(Zn1/3 Nb2/3)O3-20%
                                                                   PbTiO3 Single Crystal

                                                                   By etching the surface, the domain wall structure of ferroelectric crystal
                                                                   surfaces can be observed.
                                                                   (Data provided by Dr. Iwata, Faculty of Engineering, Nagoya Institute of
                     02 Metals                                     Technology)
                     Boundary Surface of Plating Layer
                                               A cross-section of a copper
                                               (Cu) plated iron (Fe) sample
                                               was prepared, and the
                                               electric potential measured
                                               along the boundary surface.
                                               The topographic image on
                                               the left does not show any
                       Topography image  Potential image  change in thickness, but the
                                               electric potential image on
                                               the right shows that the
                                               iron portion has a potential
                                               that is about 90 mV higher.

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