Page 15 - Shimadzu SPM-9700HT
P. 15

Particle Analysis Software (option)

               The particle analysis software extracts multiple particles from SPM-9700 image data and calculates
               feature values for each particle, then analyzes and displays them. This is especially useful for
               processing data statistically. The following wide selection of feature values and their corresponding
               statistical quantities can be calculated, tabulated, sorted, or graphed. Numerical data can be exported.

               Feature Parameters                                         Statistical Values

               1 Center X                    16 Average Z                  1 Average
               2 Center Y                    17 Average Round Z            2 Standard Deviation
               3 Maximum Diameter            18 Area excluding Holes       3 Line Average
               4 Pattern Width               19 Area including Holes       4 Square Average
               5 Horizontal Feret Length     20 Surface Area               5 Cubic Average
               6 Vertical Feret Length       21 Volume                     6 Sum
               7 Radius as Circle excluding Hole   22 Pattern Direction    7 Maximum
               8 Radius as Circle including Hole   23 2nd Moment Direction  8 Minimum
               9 Mean Radius                 24 Area / Feret Area          9 Maximum Label
               10 Mean Radius Variance       25 Particle Area / All Area  10 Minimum Label
               11 Nearest Distance           26 Distortion                11 Range
               12 Perimeter                  27 Circular Degree           12 Samples
               13 C Perimeter                28 Roughness
               14 Maximum Z                  29 Thin Degree
               15 Minimum Z

               Analysis Example

                    Thin Film (5  m square)  Particle Extraction and Classification Results  Histogram of Mean Radius

                  E. Coli Bacteria (30  m square)   Particle Extraction and Labeling Results  Graph of Correlation Between
                                                                               Maximum Diameter and Thin Degree

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