Page 11 - Shimadzu SPM-9700HT
P. 11

Determine the Observation Position Without Confusion

                                   1 Observation                                  2 Navigator
                                      Window                                    The Navigator allows freely
                                                                                navigating from a broad area to
                                  Up to 8 images can be displayed
                                  simultaneously. This means the                any speci c area desired.
                                  surface shape and physical                    Saved image data can be
                                  properties can be compared in                 displayed as reference as well.
                                  multiple images, while scanning.

               Obtain Observation Results Without Confusion

                                   3 Online Profile                               4 Image History
                                  Cross-section pro les can be                  Past image data can be displayed
                                  measured in the online window                 next to current observation
                                  while observing samples.                      images for comparison.

               Wide Assortment of Scanning Functions

                                      5 Nano 3D                                  6 Vector Scanning
                                         Mapping (option)                            (special order)
                                     A force curve can be                       The scanning direction, force
                                     measured for each point in                 between the probe and sample,
                                     observed image data to                     or the applied voltage can be
                                     acquire a distribution of                  programmed to allow scanning
                                     sample mechanical                          according to a program.
                                     properties or adhesion force.


               4 Display                               5 Offline Analysis

               Image data observed in the past can    A wide selection of functions for displaying,
               be viewed without switching offline.   processing, and analyzing images are
                                                      available for expressing observation results
                                                      more attractively and quantitatively.

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