Page 12 - Shimadzu SPM-9700HT
P. 12

Visualizing the Physical Properties of

                     Nano-Regions on Surface or Interface

                     The physical properties of external or boundary surfaces can be evaluated by measuring the force
                     acting on a scanning probe microscope cantilever probe as its distance from the sample is varied (force
                     curve measurement).

                     Key Features

                     1  The adhesive force and Young’s modulus can be evaluated at a speci c target
                        location by measuring the force curve at that point (point analysis).

                     2  By acquiring force curves at multiple points, a two-dimension map of the physical
                        properties can be created (mapping analysis).

                     3  Acquired data can be displayed three-dimensionally, or speci c data can be
                        extracted for data analysis (3D analysis).

                     4  Quantitative Young’s modulus values can be calculated from a theoretical model.

                     Evaluating Physical Properties at Any Point on a Film

                     Force curves were measured at arbitrary points on a  lm surface. The results show that the adhesive force is
                     different at the respective points.
                     Similarly, physical properties can also be evaluated on small soft samples, such as biopolymers.

                                                               ・3D Analysis

                                                               All force curves acquired for mapping are saved.
                                                               Therefore, the data can be displayed
                                                               three-dimensionally, or specific cross sections can be
                                                               extracted for data analysis.

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