Page 20 - Shimadzu SPM-9700HT
P. 20

Speci cations

                     1. SPM Unit                                   4. Software
                     Observation   Standard  Contact               Online  Input Signal  Select from up to 6 signals.
                     Modes                Dynamic                       Image data   Maximum 8 images can be displayed simultaneously.
                                          Phase                         display
                                          Lateral Force (LFM)
                                          Force Modulation              Scanning   Trace/retrace (simultaneous observation possible)
                                                                        direction  Angle setting can be changed.
                     Resolution  Optional  Magnetic Force (MFM)
                                          Current                       Scanning size  0.1 nm to max. scanning size (depending on scanner type)
                                          Surface Potential (KFM)               Offset setting can be changed.
                     SPM Head   X, Y      0.2 nm                        Number of   2048 × 2048, 1024 × 1024, 512 × 512, 256 × 256,
                                                                        pixels  128 × 128, 64 × 64, 32 × 32
                                Z         0.01 nm
                                                                        Data size  Approx. 16 MB to 64 kB/data
                                Displacement   Light source/Optical lever/Detector
                                detection system                        Observation   Multiple frames display: 1 frame, frames, 2 frame,
                                                                        window  frames (Vertical or Horizontal), or 4 frame, frames
                                Light source  Laser diode (ON/OFF)              Z-axis display range settings (display range, offset)
                                          Irradiates cantilever continuously,   Color palette settings (400 types)
                                           even while replacing samples.        Tilt correction setting
                     Scanner    Detector  Photodetector                         Image history display modes (list, single screen)
                                Drive element  Tube piezoelectric element  Pro le display  Display cross-section pro le during scanning, and
                                                                                 save (both directions).
                                Max. scanning   10  m × 10  m × 1  m (standard)
                                size (X, Y, Z)  30  m × 30  m × 5  m (optional)  Display cross-section pro le at scanning position,
                                          125  m × 125  m × 7  m (optional)      analyze pro le between any two points.
                                          55  m × 55  m × 13  m (optional)  Status display  Display the operating status of the main unit.
                                          2.5  m × 2.5  m × 0.3  m (optional)  Preset  Register and retrieve parameter settings.
                     Stage      Max. sample size  24 mm dia. × 8 mm     Calibration  Independent calibration of each axis (X, Y, and Z)
                                Sample    Head-slide mechanism with integrated  Scanning
                                replacement    displacement detection system and  Switch XY-scanning ON/OFF
                                method     cantilever                           Switch Y-scanning ON/OFF
                                                                                Y-scanning can be restarted.
                                          Samples can be replaced without       Y-scanning start position can be changed (top, center,
                                           removing cantilever.                 or bottom).
                                Sample securing   Magnet                Signal display
                                method                                          Display detector vertical/horizontal variation signal.
                                                                                Display feedback signal.
                     Z-Axis Coarse   Method  Automatic, using stepping motor    Display laser intensity.
                     Adjustment           Fully automatic, regardless of sample  Navigator
                     Mechanism             thickness                            Display scanning size, move positions, change scanning
                                                                                 size, change angle. Load and display image data.
                                Max. stroke  10 mm                      Image history  Display list of saved images or display saved images.
                     Signal Display   Displayed   Total incident light to detector  Display cross-section pro le or analyze pro le
                     Panel      quantity   (digital display)                     between any two points.
                     Vibration Isolation  Vibration   Built into SPM unit       Display operating procedures.
                     System     Damper                             Of ine Guidance  List in thumbnail mode
                     Optical Microscope  Method  Beam-splitter slide mechanism  Browser  Delete, copy, move, or search data.
                     Observation                                                Change group names or data names.
                     Specialized   Method  Not necessary.                       Create/delete folders.
                     enclosure                                          Image data  Variable shade image (top view) display (length
                                                                        display   measurement possible)
                                                                                Pseudo-3D display, 3D display
                     2. Control Unit                                            Zoom in/out or rotate 3D display (mouse operation
                     Scan Controller  X/Y-axis control  ±211 V, full time 16-bit accuracy  Analyze cross-section pro le of 3D display.
                                Z-axis control  ±211 V, max. 26-bit accuracy    Set light source, view angle, and gloss settings for
                     Feedback   Control system  Digital control by DSP           3D-image display.
                                                                                Display contour lines.
                     Controller                                                 Create, edit, and select color palettes.
                     Data Acquisition   Input signal  5 channels (standard)     Change Z-axis range setting, set Z-axis units.
                     Controller           7 channels (optional)                 Reduce/enlarge image, create as icon.
                     Communications   Protocol  TCP/IP                          Display image data information (parameters, image
                                                                                 processing history, comments).
                     Interface                                                  Enter and display comments.
                                                                        Line data  Overlay, tile, overwrite.
                     3. Data Processing Unit                            display  Line colors can be changed.
                                                                                Reduce/enlarge image, create as icon.
                     Host Computer  Operating   Windows ®  10 Pro (64 bit),  Image data  Flatten, erase noisy lines.
                                system     English version              processing  Local  lter, spectrum  lter
                                Strorage  HDD 160 GB min.                       Zoom, invert, and rotate image.
                                          CD-RW drive                           Resample, extract lines, use macro functions.
                     Monitor    Panel     Flat panel display            Image data  Pro le analysis, line roughness analysis.
                                          Display resolution: 1920 × 1080 pixels  analysis  Surface roughness analysis, topography analysis,
                     Communications   Protocol  TCP/IP                           step measurement.
                                                                                Power spectrum analysis, autocorrelation analysis
                                                                                Fractal analysis, line length analysys, line roughness
                                                                        File output  DIB formant (bitmap)
                                                                                TIFF format, ASCII format
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