Page 18 - Shimadzu SPM-9700HT
P. 18

SPM-9700HT Scanning Probe Microscope

                     SPM Unit

                                                                               Example of Optical Microscope Setups

                     SPM Head
                                                                               • High Magni cation Optical Microscope Unit
                     Cantilever                                 Stage           (with Camera)
                     Holder                                                     Magni cation of Display Monitor:
                     Head-Slide                                                 48× to 900× zoom (14-inch display mode)
                     Mechanism                                                  including coaxial epi-illumination
                                                                               • Optical Microscope Unit (with Camera)
                                                                                Magni cation of Display Monitor:
                                                                                100× (14-inch display mode)
                                                                               • Optical Microscope Unit (without Camera)
                                                                                Magni cation: 40× (20× ocular and 2× objective)
                     Z-Axis Coarse                                             Example of Observing a Sample and
                     Adjustment                                                Cantilever Using the High Magni cation
                     Mechanism                                                 Optical Microscope Unit
                                                                                              The splitter slide
                                                                                              mechanism enables
                                                                                              obtaining a bright optical
                                                                                              microscope image.
                                                                                               270  m × 180  m
                     Integrated                                                               Cantilever: NCH
                     Vibration Damper
                                                                               Splitter-Slide Mechanism
                                                                                    OFF              ON


                     Speci cations for SPM Unit                             Consumable Parts
                     Resolution  XY: 0.2 nm, Z: 0.01 nm                     Cantilever for contact mode  Si  Set of 10 chips~
                     Max. Scanning  HT Scanner Unit  X·Y: 10 µm Z:  1 µm (standard)  Cantilever for dynamic mode  Si  Set of 10 chips~
                     Range (X, Y, Z)  Middle Range Scanner Unit X·Y: 30 µm Z:  5 µm (optional)  Cantilever for magnetic
                                Wide Range Scanner Unit  X·Y: 125 µm Z:  7 µm (optional)  force mode (MFM)  Si  Set of 10 chips~
                                Deep-type Scanner Unit  X·Y: 55 µm Z: 13 µm (optional)
                                Narrow Range Scanner Unit X·Y: 2.5 µm Z: 0.3 µm (optional)  Cantilever for current mode  Si  Set of 10 chips~
                     Stage      Max. sample size: 24 mm dia. × 8 mm         Cantilever for surface   Si  Set of 10 chips~
                                    (stage for ø35mm or ø50mm are available as a special order item)  potential mode (KFM)
                                Sample replacement method:                  * Many other types of cantilevers are also available.
                                    Head-slide mechanism with integrated displacement    Contact your Shimadzu representative for details.
                                    detection system and cantilever
                                    Samples can be replaced without removing cantilever.
                                Sample securing method: Secured with magnets

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