Page 12 - Shimadzu EPMA-8050G
P. 12


                     Distribution of Ag and Cu in Lead-Free Solder                                                                      Metallic Elements in Biological Tissues (DDS)
                     This data is from a mapping analysis of areas in lead-free solder containing a large amount of Ag.                 This EPMA element imaging data shows the existence of platinum (Pt), a component (platinum
                     (Accelerating voltage: 10 kV; beam current: 20 nA) The shape of the particles in the Ag X-ray                      complex) of the anticancer drug carboplatin, delivered (by a DDS) into the tissue of a head and
                     image agrees well with the shape of the particles in the BSE image (COMPO). It is evident that the                 neck tumor in a mouse.
                     particles with a diameter of about 0.1  m, indicated by the red dashed lines, are also Ag particles.               By binding with DNA strands, the genetic substance inside the cancer cells, the carboplatin
                     In addition, the existence of Cu-containing particles can also be confirmed, as shown by the yellow                prevents cell division (DNA replication), destroying the cells. The element imaging clearly shows the
                     dashed lines.                                                                                                      manner in which the anticancer drug is delivered within the cancer cells.

                     COMPO                               1µm       Ag                                  1µm




                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Electron Probe Microanalyzer
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