Page 11 - Shimadzu EPMA-8050G
P. 11

Up to Five High Performance 4-Inch X-Ray  Spectrometer Configuration

 Spectrometers Can be Mounted

 Maintains the 52.5° X-ray take-off angle that is fundamental to analytical performance.   Elements analyzed by each crystal and recommended spectrometer configuration
               When multiple spectrometer channels are equipped, the optimal spectrometer element for the
 X-ray take-off angle
               target must be selected from a large number of spectrometer elements.
 High: Good spatial resolution  Shimadzu’s EPMA is designed to maintain optimal performance without replacing the objective
 Electron beam
 Low: Poor spatial resolution  aperture or otherwise changing the instrument parameters. The same philosophy was applied to
               the X-ray spectrometer, so that maximum sensitivity and optimal resolution are assured without the
               need to select the Rowland circle radius or replace the slit during analysis.
 High sensitivity caused by
 low X-ray absorption
                                                                                 Spectrometer Arrangement
                                 Qualitative analysis  Quantitative analysis Mapping/line analysis  State analysis
               X-ray spectrometer providing  Supported  Supported  Supported  Supported
               good sensitivity and resolution
                   (Shimadzu EPMA)   * Only the Shimadzu EPMA spectrometer, which offers both good sensitivity and resolution,  CH5  (EDS)
                                   achieves optimal analysis conditions in all analysis modes.
 52.5°                          Supported to an extent  Supported  Supported  Not supported
                  X-ray spectrometer
 A high X-ray take-off angle   Analysis data for foreign matter in a pit.   emphasizing good sensitivity   Peaks can overlap,   More difficult to   CH3  CH4
 reduces the absorption effect   Bottom-left is the distribution of iron (Fe);   causing incorrect   capture changes in
 when the bottom of a deep   bottom-right is the distribution of titanium   Supported to an extent  Not supported  Not supported  Supported to an extent  CH1  CH2
                                                         Greater sample
 hole or the foreign matter in a   (Ti). The high take-off angle used by the   X-ray spectrometer  More difficult to   surface effects; more   Difficult to detect
                                             reproduce peak
                                                                      small peaks.
 hole is analyzed for examples.  EPMA-8050G ensures highly accurate   emphasizing good resolution  intensity.  difficult to maintain
                                                        stable peak intensity
 analysis of rough samples.                              over long periods.
 Johanson-type analyzing crystal achieves perfect convergence.   Types of Crystals  Examples of Analyzing Crystal Combinations
                Crystal name  2d value (nm)  Detector  Comments  Spectrometer No.   2Units  3Units  4Units  5Units specification
 Johanson-type analyzing  Johan-type analyzing  LiF  0.401  Kr-EXA  *  specification specification specification  Mainly heavy Mainly light
 crystal element  crystal element
                PET     0.874     Kr-EXA  *                  CH1  Main   RAP   RAP    RAP   RAP    RAP
    Shimadzu applied its unique crystal   ADP  1.064  Kr-EXA      Sub    PbST  PbST  LSA120  LSA120  LSA120
 manufacturing expertise to offer analyzing   RAP  2.612  FPC  *  CH2  Main           PbST  PbST   PbST
 R  R
 crystals that deliver both high sensitivity and high   PbST  10.02  FPC  *  Sub     LSA70  LSA70  LSA70
 resolution. The Johanson-type analyzing crystal   LSA55  Approx. 5.5  FPC  For high-sensitivity analysis of O, F  CH3  Main  LiF  LiF  LiF  LiF  LiF
 achieves perfect convergence with no aberration.   LSA70  Approx. 7  FPC  For high-sensitivity analysis of O  Sub  PET  PET  PET  PET  PET
 2R  2R         LSA80   Approx. 8  FPC  For high-sensitivity analysis of N  CH4  Main  LiF  LiF  LiF  LiF
                LSA120  Approx. 12  FPC  For high-sensitivity analysis of C  Sub  ADP  ADP  ADP    ADP
                LSA200  Approx. 20  FPC  For high-sensitivity analysis of B  CH5  Main       LiF  LSA80
                LSA300  Approx. 30  FPC  For high-sensitivity analysis of Be  Sub           PET   LSA200
 Perfect convergence  Imperfect convergence  Combinations of analyzing crystal marked * support analysis from 5B to 92U.   * No analyzing crystal combination is subject to sample stage drive range
                                                              restrictions, option restrictions, or other restrictions.
 High sensitivity and high resolution Low sensitivity and low resolution
               Spectral Range of Analyzing Crystals
                            0      10     20    30     40     50     60    70     80     90
 EPMA-8050G accommodates up to five 4-inch spectrometers that offer both   (1) LiF    20Ca  32Ge  50Sn  80Hg  (Atomic number)
 high sensitivity and high resolution.   (2) PET    14Si  22Ti  36Kr  56Ba  71Lu       92U
                                    13Al  20Ca   33As         52Te      66Dy    80Hg    92U
               (3) ADP
                                  8O  13Al  24Cr   36Kr
               (4) RAP
 Analyzing crystal            5B 7N
 The Rowland circle radius in the X-ray spectrometer is an important factor   (5) PbST    6C  9F
 affecting an EPMA's analytical performance. Increasing the radius of the   (6) LSA55    6C  8O
 Rowland circle by one inch reduces the detection sensitivity by more than   (7) LSA70    5B  7N
               (8) LSA80
 30%. Shimadzu EPMA instruments accommodate up to five 4-inch   5B  6C
 Sample face  Detection  (9) LSA120
 slit  spectrometers to cover the entire spectral range.   4Be  5B
               (10) LSA200
               (11) LSA300
                                 =K line  =L line  =M line
                                                                                               Electron Probe Microanalyzer
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