Page 7 - Shimadzu EPMA-8050G
P. 7

Advanced Technology Enabling

 Ultra-High-Sensitivity Analyses of Minute Areas

 1  High-Brightness Schottky Emitter
 A high output Schottky emitter with a larger tip diameter than ordinarily
 used in SEMs is adopted for the FE electron gun. A stable electron beam is
 obtained that while bright has the large current indispensable for
 high-sensitivity analysis.

 2  Special EPMA Electron Optical System
 The electron optical system has a proprietary configuration and control
 method (Japan Patent No. 4595778). The condenser lens is set as close as
 possible to the electron gun. Crossover is formed not with the condenser
 lens but with an iris lens, with the objective aperture arranged at the same
 position. While this is a simple lens configuration, a large current can be
 obtained. At the same time, the angular aperture can be optimally
 configured under all current conditions, minimizing the electron beam
 diameter. Naturally, there is no need to replace the objective aperture.

 3  Ultra-High-Vacuum Evacuation System
 A two-stage differential evacuation system has been adopted, partitioned
 at the orifices between the electron gun chamber, intermediate chamber,
 and analysis chamber. Minimizing the orifice between the intermediate
 chamber and analysis chamber limits the flow of gas to the intermediate
 chamber. The electron gun chamber is always maintained at an
 ultra-high-vacuum level, stabilizing emitter operation.

 4  X-Ray Spectrometers with High Sensitivity

 The system can be equipped with up to five 4-inch X-ray spectrometers,
 which provide both high sensitivity and high resolution.
 The 52.5° X-ray take-off angle enhances the spatial resolution of the X-ray
 signal, while enabling high-sensitivity analysis with minimal X-ray
 absorption by the sample.
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