Page 9 - Shimadzu EPMA-8050G
P. 9

Unprecedented Spatial Resolution  Large Beam Current Enabling

               Ultra-High-Sensitivity Analysis

 The system offers the ultimate in secondary-electron image resolution under the beam current   In SEM and EPMA with the FE type, the uniquely large beam current (up to 3  A with a 30 kV
 conditions used for analysis. (With a 10 kV accelerating voltage, 20 nm at 10 nA / 50 nm at 100   accelerating voltage) dramatically enhances the detection sensitivity for ultra trace elements. This
 nA / 150 nm at 1  A). The results are very clear in comparison to a conventional electron gun   enables ultra-trace component imaging in element mapping.
 (CeB6, tungsten).  In addition, there is no need to replace the objective aperture across the entire beam current
 The same resolution image can be obtained with a dramatically larger beam current than with a   range, so the analysis process can be fully automated, with no concerns about axis offset.
 conventional electron gun, so extremely high-sensitivity X-ray analysis can be performed.  These three images show the results* of a mapping analysis of approx. 1 % Si in stainless steel,
 A further point of interest is SEM imaging with a 1  A beam current. Only the EPMA-8050G   using different beam currents. The roughness decreases as the beam current increases, enabling
 provides a beam current of at least 1  A, and moreover, finely focuses the beam to this point.  the areas containing Si to be precisely identified.
               * In all of the measurements, the accelerating voltage was 10 kV and the sampling interval was 50 msec. The measurements required approx. 1 hour.

 FE  CeB6  Tungsten



 100nA                                                                   5µm


 1µA  This current cannot be set.  This current cannot be set.

 Comparison of Electron Gun Beam Characteristics (10 kV accelerating voltage)

 EPMA-8050G  Irradiation Current  Resolution   1.5µA
 10 nA  20 nm
 Resolution at each current condition  100 nA  50 nm
 (Acceleration voltage is 10 kV)
 1000 nA  150 nm
 *The resolution described is the secondary electron resolution under each condition.
 *Switching and adjustment of the objective aperture are not necessary.
                                                                                               Electron Probe Microanalyzer
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