Page 14 - Shimadzu AA-7800 Series
P. 14

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                     World’s Smallest Dual System                                                                                       LabSolutions  CS Supports Laboratory Network Connectivity

                     Despite being a dual atomizer, the unit is only 940 mm wide                                                        Adding a WizAArd Agent connection kit (optional) enables compliance with electronic recordkeeping and electronic
                     (including the power supply unit for the graphite furnace                                                          signature regulations, such as requirements specified in FDA 21 CFR Part 11. Select either a standalone (LabSolutions DB) or
                     atomizer).                                                                                                         networked (LabSolutions CS) system that is best for the given application.
                                                                                                                                              LabSolutions CS manages all analytical data in a database on a network server, so that the data can be loaded and
                                                                                                                                        analyzed on any computer connected to the network.
                                                                                                                                        Note: An additional software license is required for analyzing data onto a computer not connected to the AA system.

                                                                                                                                                                                                 * 3                   * 2
                                                                                          940mm                                               LabSolutions server   Laboratory or office   Tablet             Client PC
                                                                         AA-7800/AAC Dual Atomizer System Dimensions
                                                                                      (Top surface)
                                                                         Note: The indicated size does not include the ASC-7800 unit.

                     Compact and Multifunctional Autosampler                                                                                          * 1
                     ASC-7800                                                                                                              cotoroller PC

                     The Same Autosampler can be Used for
                     Both Flame and Furnace Measurements

                     A single autosampler can be used for both flame and furnace
                                                                                                                                                      LC   GC        Agilent LC, GC  Thermo LC, GC        EDX  TOC-V     AA
                     measurements. There is no need to prepare two autosamplers.
                     The simple design allows for sliding the autosampler left or                                                                                                                        Combine with
                                                                                                                                                                                                         Multi-Data Registration License
                     right.                                                                                                                                                                              to enable integrated management
                                                                      During Flame Measurements  During Furnace Measurements                                                                             of these instruments’ data.
                     Space-Saving Design

                     Connecting the autosampler directly to the main unit minimizes
                     installation space and simplifies maintenance.                                                                             LCMS        GCMS      FTIR     UV       RF     TA

                     Low Carryover
                     Flame analysis requires being careful of carryover. The ASC-7800             Discharge
                     rinses the nozzle at the overflow mechanism rinse port after                                                                                                                        A instrument  B instrument
                     each sample measurement is finished, which keeps carryover                                                                                                                          Combine with
                     below 10  even when measuring multiple samples.                                                                          Balance  PPSQ ™   ICPMS   Particle Size  AG   TOC-L        Multi-Data Registration License
                                                                                                                                                                          Analyzer                       to enable integrated management
                                                                                                                                          *1  The acquisition control PC controls analytical instruments.
                                                                              Conventional  Overflow                                             It can also be used to send analytical instructions and perform postrun analysis, just like a client PC.
                                                                                Method      Method                                        *2  If a terminal service is used, then LabSolutions software does not need to be installed on client PCs.
                     Advanced Functionality                                                                                               *3  If an iPad is used, then XenApp from Citrix must be installed.

                     Up to four kinds of samples (such as diluents, standard solutions,
                     samples, or matrix modifiers) can be mixed together before
                     injection. (Non-mixtures can also be injected, of course.) Either a                                                 Software Required for Using the System Connected to LabSolutions
                     fluoropolymer tube or pipette tip can be selected as the                                                                        Part Name                    P/N                     Remarks
                     injection nozzle. Samples can be automatically diluted and                                                           WizAArd Agent Connection Kit        206-77741-92
                     remeasured if the concentration exceeds the calibration curve                                                        LabSolutions Manager DB Multi-Data Registration Function  223-19127-92  Standalone System
                     concentration range.                                                                                                 LabSolutions Manager CS Multi-Data Registration Function  223-19169-92  Network System
                                                                                                                                          WizAArd Second License              206-59774-41  Requires when installing WizAArd to a PC other than the control PC.

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