Page 12 - Shimadzu AA-7800 Series
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                     Safety Technology for Flame AA Systems                                                                             Simple and Easy-to-Use Furnace System

                     ˙ Automatic Flame Extinguishing Function by Vibration Detection Sensor                                             Replacing the Graphite Tube is Easy
                     A built-in sensor automatically extinguishes the flame when it detects vibration. That eliminates any worry in the event of an   Furnace measurements require replacing the graphite
                     earthquake or other major shaking.                                                                                 tube. Thanks to the simple furnace structure, even
                                                                                                                                        first-time users can replace the tube easily using a
                                                                                                                                        specialized positioning jig. It is also easy to differenti-
                                                                                                                                        ate between using different graphite tubes ideal for
                                                                                                                                        given measurement applications.

                                                                                                                                                                               Graphite Tube Positioning Jig  Replacing the Graphite Tube

                                                  The device detects vibrations and automatically digests flames.
                                                                                          Automatic flame extinguishing                 Selecting the Graphite Tube
                     ˙ Multi-Mode Automatic Gas Leak Check Function                                                                               Pyro-coated graphite tube      High-density graphite tube    Platform tube
                                                                                                                                                  (P/N  206-50588-11)            (P/N  206-50587-12)           (P/N  206-50887-02)
                     If the power supply is ON and the flame is extinguished, this function automatically checks for gas leakage from fuel gas lines
                                                                                                                                                  Effective for elements that readily form  Effective for low-boiling point elements  Restricts chemical interference due to
                     inside the system’s gas control unit. If a gas leak occurs, an alarm sound is emitted and a warning is displayed in the window.  carbides (Ni, Fe, Cu, Ca, Ti, Si, V, Mo, etc.).  (Cd, Pb, Na, K, Zn, Mg, etc.).  coexisting substances. Effective for the
                                                                                                                                                                                                               analysis of environmental samples and
                                                                                                                                                                                                               biosamples, such as sea water and
                                                                                                                                                                                                               industrial waste.
                     ˙ Automatic Flame Ignition and Extinguishing                                                                                                          * Depending on the state of the sample, some other combinations may be appropriate.
                     The flame can be ignited or extinguished easily. Flashback is prevented by an Air-C2H2 flame priority ignition system.
                     ˙ Automatic Air-N2O Switching Mechanism with Acetylene Flowrate Monitor
                     Once the Air-C2H2 flame is ignited, it automatically switches to an N2O-C2H2 flame. If C2H2 levels do not increase, due to a   GFA-TV Graphite Furnace Camera (Optional)
                     solenoid valve problem, for example, then flashback is prevented by not switching to the support gas.
                                                                                                                                        The camera can be used to confirm the sample injection position or sample drying status, which is helpful when evaluating or
                                                                                                                                        optimizing the temperature program.  The sharp image clearly shows the status inside the graphite tube.
                     ˙ Acetylene Regulator Failure Detection Mechanism
                     Even if the acetylene gas cylinder regulator fails, this mechanism detects the abnormally high gas pressure to protect the
                     system by preventing the acetylene inlet solenoid valve from opening.

                     ˙ Flashback Prevention by Pressure Monitor   ˙ Automatic Gas Shutoff by Flame Monitor

                     ˙ Instantaneous Power Interruption Detection  ˙ Burner Misuse Prevention Mechanism
                       Mechanism and Safety System for Reigniting Flame

                     ˙ Drain Tank Level Monitor

                     ˙ Flame Retardant Materials Used      ˙ Ignition Switches Designed for Safety                                                   GFA-TV                 Checking the Sample Injection Position  Checking the Drying Status
                     Flame retardant materials (UL standard: 94V-0) are   The switches are shaped to fit fingers and are
                     used for outer cover of the main unit and the   located near the window. The mechanism is
                     atomizer. Outstanding design achieved while   designed so that ignition requires pressing
                     ensuring safety.                      two switches simultaneously, which eliminates
                                                           the worry of accidental operation.                                           Safety Technology for Furnace AA Systems
                                                                                                                                        ɾ Cooling Water Flow Rate Monitor      ɾ Argon Gas Pressure Monitor      ɾ Furnace Block Cooling Check
                     ˙ Tubing Parts with High Durability   ˙ Clear Window                                                               ɾ Overcurrent Preventive Mechanism (Double-Checked by Circuit Protector and Optical Sensor)
                      and Joints with High Reliability Used  The flame status can be checked via a large
                                                           window and the large opening provides easy
                     Tubing parts selected based on durability are
                                                           accessibility to the burner unit. Also, the window
                     connected using joints with high reliability.
                                                           closes automatically when released, so there is
                                                           no risk of forgetting to close the window.

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