Page 11 - Shimadzu AA-7800 Series
P. 11

Any User

 Clear, Easy-to-Use Software WizAArd  Functionality for Supporting Analytical Condition Development

 WizAArd Software can Specify Settings Easily and  Automatic Gas Flowrate Optimization
 Enables Parameter Settings to be Changed Quickly.  The optimal flame gas flowrate value must be determined when using organic solvents
               or after changing the burner height. The AA-7800 performs that gas flowrate
 Just set the measurement conditions using WizAArd to complete the general settings.
               optimization process automatically.
 The initial settings can also be completed simply by        It detects the gas flowrate that results in the highest sensitivity by measuring the
 following the Wizard procedures.  change in the absorbance of blank and standard samples due to gas flowrate, displays
               the absorbance difference in the window, and then automatically sets the flowrate to
               that value.
               Automatic Burner Height Optimization
               (Models with AAC)
               The absorption sensitivity of flame analysis can vary depending on burner height. This is
               because flame temperature can vary due to the burner height, sensitivity levels can vary
 Start Wizard  due to different flame types, even for the same height, and the absorption sensitivity
               can also be influenced by components in the matrix. The AA-7800F/AAC automatically
               searches for the optimal setting by varying the burner height in 0.5 mm steps.
 Select element
               Optimum Furnace Program Search
               This function can automatically perform the steps involved in measuring data as the
 Set calibration curve and sample parameters  graphite tube heating parameters are gradually varied and then plotting that data as a
               graph in the window. That enables the optimal atomization and ashing temperatures to
 Set monochromator parameters  be determined.

 Connect to instrument

               Supports System Management and Accuracy Control

 Measurement Screen Layout Shows Measurement Status at a Glance  Hardware Validation Software Included Standard

 Real-time signal monitor Measured element  Signal profile display  Calibration curve display  Instrument performance can be evaluated easily using the hardware validation software included standard with the system. If
               used in combination with an autosampler, it can automatically inspect the wavelength accuracy, noise level, baseline drift,
               absorbance/repeatability, and other factors and print results from comparing performance to passing criteria.
               Precision Control (QA/QC)
               Reliable measurement results are obtained
               thanks to QA/QC functions including checks
               of calibration curve correlation coefficients
               and recovery rates.

               Variety of Data Output
               In addition to typical printing of data and summary reports, the text file output
               function in the WizAArd software can also be used to output tab-delimited text
               files to specified folders.

 MRT(Measured Result Table)
 The worksheet shows sample names, absorbance, concentrations, and correction calibration results.  Example of Output Using Text File Output Function

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