Page 6 - Shimadzu AA-7800 Series
P. 6

Any Application

                     Advanced Basic Performance Supports Wide Variety of Applications                                                   Flame Analysis Offers Superior General Applicability

                     Double-Beam Optical System                                                                                         Analyzes High-Concentration Elements by Changing the Burner Angle
                     The AA-7800 is equipped with a three-dimensional                                                                   Elements present in high concentrations can be measured in the flame analysis mode by adjusting the burner angle to decrease
                     optical system that is automatically set to the optical    Detector                                                absorbance. That enables measurement of up to about 20 times higher element concentrations, which helps minimize dilution
                     double-beam mode for flame measurements. In                     Monochromator                                      errors and the effects of measurement element contamination from containers or reagents used.
                     addition, the high-speed digital filter and use of                              D2 lamp                            Note: The automatic dual atomizer system, which is a combination of the model with AAC and the GFA-7800, cannot change the burner angle.
                     optical components with extremely low optical loss   Chopper mirror
                                                                                 Reference beam
                     levels achieve data stability and high sensitivity.         Reference beam                                            1
                                                                                 Sample beam                                              0.8
                             0.4                                                                   Beam splitter                         Relative Sensitivity  0.6
                            Absorbance  0.2                                                                                               0.4

                              0:00           1:00
                                   Time (hh:mm)                                                                                            0
                                                                                            Hollow cathode lamp                             0  10  20  30  40  50  60  70  80  90
                     Results are shown from measuring 2 ppm of copper for over                                                                        Burner Angle
                     an hour (average of 11 successive measurements plotted).                                                                   Burner Angle vs. Relative Sensitivity  With Burner Angle Changed   Burner Head with
                     Over the course of hundreds of measurements, the                                                                                                                                          Angle-scale Markings (Optional)
                     instrument achieved a relative standard deviation within 1%.
                                                                                                                                        High-Sensitivity Analysis Using Atom Booster (Optional)
                                                                                                                                        The atom booster is a 15 cm long quartz tube with a vertical slit cut in the tube. Positioned above the burner head, the tube
                     Digital Temperature Control and Gas Control Results in High Stability                                              increases the delay time of atoms inside the flame, which increases absorbance by increasing the atomization density.
                                                                                                                                                        Atom Booster
                                                                                                                                          Element                        Sensitivity Increase
                     The high-sensitivity optical sensor in combination with Shimadzu’s unique   0.25                                               Without      With
                     temperature control method results in precise temperature control throughout all                                      Cd       0.0015      0.0007    Approx. 2.1 x
                     temperature regions for drying to atomization.                                                                        Pb       0.025       0.012     Approx. 2.3 x
                           An electronically controlled flow controller enables the inner gas flowrate to   0.15                        Comparison of Lower Limit of Detection with or without Atom Booster (Units: mg/L)
                     be controlled precisely in 0.01 L/min increments.
                           That ensures high data stability even for furnace analysis.                                                     * This option cannot be used with N2O-C2H2 flame. Contact us for information about the types
                                                                                                                                              of samples for which this option is available and the elements for which this option is useful.
                                                                                   0                                                                                                                          Atom Booster
                                                                                  Furnace Analysis Stability Data for Manganese
                                                                                        (Plot of 50 Repetitions of                      Compatible with Various Organic Solvents
                                                                                    Averaging 5 Absorbance Measurements)
                                                                                                                                        By replacing standard parts with optional organic solvent-resistant parts, organic solvents that normally cause difficulties if
                                                                                                                                        injected in the standard configuration, such as MIBK or butyl acetate, can be injected.
                     Automatically Switches Between Eight Hollow Cathode Lamps

                     The AA-7800 lamp housing includes functionality for automatically switching                                        Support Gas Flow                              Also Compatible with Flame Emission
                     between eight hollow cathode lamps installed in a turret and simultaneously                                        Meter Included Standard                       Spectrophotometry
                     illuminating any two of the lamps.
                           In combination with an ASC-7800 autosampler, it can measure multiple                                         Float-type flow meter (rotameter)             The AA-7800 can also be used as a flame emission spectro-
                     elements automatically.                                                                                            included standard for Support gas (N2O).      photometer. By using the wavelength shift function to
                                                                                                                                                                                      specify two measurement wavelengths, the background can
                                                                                                                                                                                      be corrected even for flame emission spectrophotometry.

                     Lamp History Function is Helpful for Lamp Management

                     In the lamp registration window, cumulative operating times can be calculated for
                     each lamp, which is helpful for managing the service life of lamps. Multiple lamps
                     for the same element can be differentiated based on lamp IDs.
                                                                                                                                                                                                    [Wavelength Shift] Window

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