Page 16 - Shimadzu AA-7800 Series
P. 16

Optional Accessories                                                                                               Installation Conditions

                                                                                                                                        For more details, refer to the Pre-Installation Requirements.

                     ASC-7800 Autosampler                                                                                                                   Choose from 100, 120, 220, or 230 VAC,  Example of recommended piping for the atomic absorption system
                     (P/N 208-00400-XX)                                                                                                  Power   Main unit  230 VA, 50/60 Hz
                     Power requirements: 100 to 240 VAC, 50 VA, 50/60 Hz                                                                 requirements       200, 220, 230, or 240 VAC ±5%,          Stainless steel piping
                                                                                                                                                                                                    (inner diameter greater than 7 mm)
                     Compact-size autosampler for flame and furnace units can install 60 samples and                                             GFA-7800   7400 VA, 50/60 Hz
                     8 reagents.                                                                                                                                                                                   Setting pressure
                           ASC stand kit (208-00490-41) is required to mount with dedicated flame                                        Operating  Temperature range 10 to 35 °C                Stop cock  Stop cock   0.11 MPa
                     measurement system, and ASK-7800 extension unit for furnace measurement is                                          environment        20 to 80% (less than 70% when
                                                                                                     For furnace measurement
                                                                               For flame measurement
                     required to mount with dedicated furnace measurement system or dual system.  For flame measurement  For furnace measurement  Humidity range  temperature is higher than 30 °C)
                           An ASC starter kit for aqueous solutions (206-59765-41) or organic solvents                                                      1500 mm min. (W) × 700 mm min. (D)
                     (206-59765-42) is required for the flame continuous method or hydride generation                                    Testing bench                                  Pressure regulator
                     method.                                                                                                                                Withstand load: 200 kg  *1, 2  Pressure range 0.3 MPa     Acetylene gas
                                                                                                                                                 Material   Stainless  *3            Setting pressure 0.09 MPa
                                                                                                                                         Gas tube
                     HVG-100 Hydride Vapor Generator              AMF-100 Atomic Absorption                                                      Dimensions  7 mm min. I.D. × 80 mm min. (L)                     Setting pressure
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     0.4 MPa
                     (P/N 208-00900-XX)                           Muffle Furnace (Electronic Cell Heater)                                        Acetylene  Cylinder: 0.11 MPa
                     Power requirements: 120, 230 VAC, 50 VA,     (P/N 208-00950-47)                                                                        Lab: 0.09 MPa
                     50/60 Hz                                     Power requirements: 200 to 240 VAC, 550 VA,                            Gas supply         Compressor: 0.4 MPa
                     This is useful for high-sensitivity analysis of   50/60Hz                                                           pressure  Air      Lab: 0.35 MPa                                                Setting pressure
                     elements such as As, Se, and Sb.             This dedicated furnace permits higher sensitivity                      (set secondary     Cylinder: 0.4 MPa                                     Dinitrogen   0.4 MPa
                           Used with an ASC-7800 autosampler, it permits   measurements using the hydride vapor generator                pressure)  Dinitrogen oxide  Lab: 0.35 MPa    Pressure range 1 MPa       oxide gas
                     the automated serial analysis of up to 60 samples.  than the flame heating method. The temperature   This product contains Refractory                           Setting pressure 0.35 MPa
                           Nozzle ASSY, HVG (P/N: 206-67563) is required   controller provides optimal control of the quartz   Ceramic Fiber (RCF) and cannot be   Argon  Cylinder: 0.4 MPa
                     for operation in conjunction with the ASC-7800.  cell temperature to prevent damages to cells due to   sold in some areas. Please inquire   Lab: 0.35 MPa
                                                                                                                                                                                       Pressure range 1 MPa
                                                                  excessive overheating.      about the details.                                 Material   Stainless                Setting pressure 0.35 MPa              Argon gas
                                                                  Mount adopter is required separately.
                     MVU-100 Mercury Vaporizer                    For AA-7800F: 206-52135-41                                                     Dimensions  For flame: Approx. 500 mm W × 500 mm D                      Setting pressure
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             0.4 MPa
                     (P/N 208-00850-XX)                           For AA-7800G: 206-83755-91                                             Exhaust duct       For furnace: ø150 mm to ø200 mm                     Mist separator
                     Power requirements: 100 to 240 VAC, 50 VA,   * The AMF-100 cannot be used with the AA-7800F/AAC.                                       For flame: 600 to 1200 m /hr  Pressure range 1 MPa
                     50/60 Hz                                                                                                                    Intake capacity  For furnace: 10 to 180 m 3 /hr  Setting pressure 0.35 MPa
                     This mercury vaporizer is for cold vapor atomic   Atom Booster                                                                         Cooling water circulation unit or tap-water   Lab  Outdoor
                     absorption spectroscopy.                     (P/N 206-50957-91)                                                     Cooling water (GFA-7800)  equipment  *4                                         Air compressor
                           It also requires a gas flow cell (201-98687), gas   Quartz slotted tube, useful for further increasing                                                                     80 m max.
                     flow cell holder (206-77703-91), and mercury   sensitivity of flame analysis with a cell holder.                    *1  Atomic absorption spectrophotometer stand recommended
                     hollow cathode lamp (200-38422-28).          * Cannot be used with N2O-C2H2 flame.                                  *2  Maintain a free maintenance space of 150 to 200 mm to the sides and rear of
                                                                   Contact us for information about the types of                           the instrument.
                                                                   samples for which this option is available and                        *3  Do not use pipes containing copper, silver, gold, mercury (or alloys containing
                     Burner Head with Angle-scale                  the elements for which this option is useful.                           these metals) as pipes for acetylene.
                     Markings                                                                                                            *4  If tap-water equipment is used, ensure that it meets the specifications below.
                     (P/N 206-50370-92)                           Graphite Furnace Camera GFA-TV                                         Compatible faucet  Faucet 13 or 12 to 15 mm O.D. rimmed faucet
                     Used to specify a constant fixed angle for   (P/N 206-52950-41)                                                     Water temperature  10 to 30 °C
                     measuring high concentration elements by     Provides viewing inside the graphite tube.                             Water flow rate  0.6 to 1.5 L/min
                     changing the burner angle.                   Including Video View Software (CD-ROM)                                 Supply pressure  0.08 to 0.15 MPa  *5
                                                                                                                                         Position of the supply port  Within 7 m of the instrument
                                                                  Micro Sampling Kit
                     High-temperature Burner Head                 (P/N 206-77540-91)                                                     *5  If the supply pressure exceeds 0.17 MPa, use the optional Regulator ASSY.
                     (P/N 206-77530-91)
                                                                  Required to use the flame micro sampling method. ASC-7800 and
                     Made of pure titanium. Air-cooled. 5 cm slot for   ASK-7800 (or ASC stand kit) are also required.
                     N2O–C2H2 flame
                     • Extremely corrosion-resistant              O-Ring Set
                     • Can also be used for Air–C2H2 flame.
                                                                  Required for analyzing organic solvents in flame analysis. Contact us for available
                                                                  organic solvents.                                                     Dimensions
                                                                  Fluoro Rubber O-Ring Set (P/N 206-77620-92)
                                                                  Silicon Rubber O-Ring Set (P/N 206-77620-93)
                     Compressor and Gas Equipment
                                 Part Name                 P/N                        Remarks                                                                               150 to 200
                      Low-noise air compressor          208-91750-36   220/230 VAC, 50/60 Hz, with mist separator
                      Mist separator kit                206-52458-41   Required if using an air compressor other than above.                                                                    AA-7800
                      YR-71 compressed gas regulator    040-72020-01   For acetylene cylinder
                                                                                                                                                                                           702  GFA-7800
                      NP2-3-10B6-2RFH85-V compressed gas regulator  040-72034-01  For dinitrogen oxide cylinder (freeze-proof model)
                      FR-2S-OP compressed gas regulator  208-91763     For argon cylinder                                                                                   610
                      Pressure regulator set, Air       208-91756-91   Pressure regulator for use in laboratory (for air)                                                                    390
                      Pressure regulator set, C2H2      208-91756-92   Pressure regulator for use in laboratory (for acetylene)             870
                      Pressure regulator set, N2O       208-91756-93   Pressure regulator for use in laboratory (for dinitrogen oxide)
                      Pressure regulator set, AR        208-91756-94   Pressure regulator for use in laboratory (for argon)
                      Hose ASSY                         206-50389-41   For air used to promote incineration in GFA
                                                                                                                                              280                                                                940
                     Cooling Water Equipment                                                                                                                                                                               Unit: mm
                                 Part Name                  P/N                       Remarks
                      CA-1116A cooling water circulator  044-01813-51  For cooling GFA, 100 VAC, 1100 VA, 50/60 Hz
                      Cooler attach kit                 206-84373-41   For connecting GFA and cooling water circulator
                      Cooling water tube ASSY           206-51028-91   Connecting tubes when using tap water to cool GFA
                      Regulator ASSY                    206-86147-41   Decompression valve when using tap water to cool GFA
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