Page 56 - Shimadu Consumables Catalog
P. 56


           Shim-pack GIST Phenyl

              Extremely Strong π-π Interactions
              The extremely unique phase characteristics of Shim-pack   Bonded Phase  Phenyl Group
             GIST Phenyl are critical to resolving compounds that could   Particle Size  2 μm, 3 μm, 5 μm
             not be separated with a C18 or C8 phase column.   Pore Size         10 nm
                                                               Surface Area      350 m /g
              In addition to π-π interactions, Shim-pack GIS Phenyl
                                                               Carbon Loading    10 %
             provides hydrogen bonding secondary interactions, which
             results in retaining polar compounds at the same time. As   End-capping  -
             the phenyl groups are directly bonded to the silica gel, Shim-  pH Range  2 to 7.5
             pack GIS Phenyl is also capable of the analysis of structural   USP Code  L11
             isomers due to its high stereo-selectivity.

           Analysis Examples

                                                          Peaks (0.1 mg/L each)
                                                       1. Hydrocortisone
                                                       2. Prednisolone
                                                       Column    :  Shim-pack GIST Phenyl (50 mmL. × 2.1 mmI.D., 2 μm)
                                                                   (P/N: 227-30207-02)
                                                       Mobile Phase  :  A) 0.05 % Formic acid in Water
                                                                   B)  0.05 % Formic acid in Methanol
                                                                   A/B = 60/40, v/v
                                                       Flow Rate   :  0.6 mL/min
                                                       Col. Temp.   :  40 ºC
                                                       Detection   :  LC/MS/MS (ESI, Positive, MRM)
                                                       Injection Vol.   :  5 μL

             Analytical Columns

            Particle Size   I.D. (mm)
              (μm)    Length (mm)      1.0          1.5          2.1         3.0          4.0          4.6
                           20           -            -       227-30211-01  227-30212-01  227-30213-01  227-30214-01
                           30       227-30209-01  227-30210-01  227-30211-02  227-30212-02  227-30213-02  227-30214-02
                           50       227-30209-02  227-30210-02  227-30211-03  227-30212-03  227-30213-03  227-30214-03
               3           75       227-30209-03  227-30210-03  227-30211-04  227-30212-04  227-30213-04  227-30214-04
                          100       227-30209-04  227-30210-04  227-30211-05  227-30212-05  227-30213-05  227-30214-05
                          150       227-30209-05  227-30210-05  227-30211-06  227-30212-06  227-30213-06  227-30214-06
                          250       227-30209-06  227-30210-06  227-30211-07  227-30212-07  227-30213-07  227-30214-07
                           20           -            -       227-30217-01  227-30218-01  227-30219-01  227-30220-01
                           30       227-30215-01  227-30216-01  227-30217-02  227-30218-02  227-30219-02  227-30220-02
                           50       227-30215-02  227-30216-02  227-30217-03  227-30218-03  227-30219-03  227-30220-03
               5           75       227-30215-03  227-30216-03  227-30217-04  227-30218-04  227-30219-04  227-30220-04
                          100       227-30215-04  227-30216-04  227-30217-05  227-30218-05  227-30219-05  227-30220-05
                          150       227-30215-05  227-30216-05  227-30217-06  227-30218-06  227-30219-06  227-30220-06
                          250       227-30215-06  227-30216-06  227-30217-07  227-30218-07  227-30219-07  227-30220-08

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