Page 52 - Shimadu Consumables Catalog
P. 52


           Shim-pack GIS RP-Shield

              Embedded with a Polar Functional Group
              Shim-pack GIS RP-Shield contains a polar functional   Bonded Phase  Octadecyl Groups
             group embedded between silica surface and an   Particle Size    5 μm
             octadecyl group, making it stable in 100% aqueous   Pore Size   10 nm
             mobile phases without phase collapse. The embedded   Surface Area  450 m /g
             polar functional group is also extremely base   Carbon Loading  9 %
             deactivated, which enables the column to provide   End-capping  -
             superior peak shape for acids.               pH Range           2 - 7.5

              Shim-pack GIS RP-Shield provides unique selectivity as   USP Code  L1
             hydrogen bonding interactions, making it suitable for
             separations that cannot be achieved by other modes,
             such as hydrophobic interactions or π-π interactions.

           Analysis Examples
                                                         1.  Phenoxyacetic acid
                                                         2.  Benzoic acid

                                                         Column    : Shim-pack GIS RP-Shield (150 mmL. × 3.0 mmI.D., 5 µm)
                                                                     (P/N: 227-30587-06)
                                                         Mobile Phase  :  A) 0.1 % Formic acid in Water
                                                                     B) Acetonitrile
                                                                     A/B = 50/50 (v/v)
                                                         Flow Rate   :  0.4 mL/min
                                                         Col. Temp.   :  40 °C
                                                         Detection   :  UV 254 nm

             Analytical Columns

            Particle Size   I.D. (mm)  1.0          1.5          2.1         3.0          4.0          4.6
              (μm)    Length (mm)
                           30           -            -       227-30586-01  227-30587-01  227-30588-01  227-30589-01
                           33       227-30584-01  227-30585-01  227-30586-02  227-30587-02  227-30588-02  227-30589-02
                           50       227-30584-02  227-30585-02  227-30586-03  227-30587-03  227-30588-03  227-30589-03
               5           75       227-30584-03  227-30585-03  227-30586-04  227-30587-04  227-30588-04  227-30589-04
                          100       227-30584-04  227-30585-04  227-30586-05  227-30587-05  227-30588-05  227-30589-05
                          150       227-30584-05  227-30585-05  227-30586-06  227-30587-06  227-30588-06  227-30589-06
                          250       227-30584-06  227-30585-06  227-30586-07  227-30587-07  227-30588-07  227-30589-07

             Cartridge Guard Columns
             Particle Size     I.D. (mm)                 Cartridge Guard Column (2pcs)               Holder
               (μm)        Length (mm)      1.0            1.5            3.0           4.0
                              10         227-30612-01  227-30613-01   227-30614-01  227-30616-01   227-30532-01
                              20             -             -          227-30615-01  227-30617-01   227-30532-02
             Particle Size     I.D. (mm)             Cartridge Guard Column (2pcs) and Holder
               (μm)     Length (mm)         1.0            1.5            3.0           4.0
                              10         227-30612-02  227-30613-02   227-30614-02  227-30616-02
                              20             -             -          227-30615-02  227-30617-02

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