Page 48 - Application Notebook - PFAS Analysis
P. 48

No. SSI-LCMS-121

                                                                                     MRL in   MRL in
                                               ISTD                         Collision
                   ID#   Compound    Type                  m/z        RT              vial    sample   R2
                                              Group#                       Energy, V
                                                                                    (ng/mL)   (ng/L)
                   30    M8PFOS     Surrogate   3      507.00>80.00   15.75   12      ----    ----    ----
                   31    M9PFNA     Surrogate   1      472.00>427.00   15.73   11     ----    ----    ----
                   32     PFOS       Target     2      498.90>80.10   15.23   45      0.05    0.2   0.9952
                   33    M4PFOS       ISTD      2      503.00>80.00   15.76   45      ----    ----    ----
                   34   9Cl-PF3ONS   Target     1      530.90>351.00   16.5   54     0.025    0.1   0.9954
                   35    8-2 FTS     Target     2      527.00>507.00   16.97   27      1       4     0.997
                   36   M2-8-2 FTS   Surrogate   2     529.00>509.00   16.98   26     ----    ----    ----
                   37     PFDA       Target     1      512.90>468.90   17.04   26    0.025    0.1   0.9952
                   38    MPFHxA     Surrogate   1      318.00>273.00   10.48   12     ----    ----    ----
                   39     PFUnA      Target     1      562.90>519.00   18.14   11    0.025    0.1   0.9948
                   40   M7PFUnA     Surrogate   3      570.00>525.00   18.11   12     ----    ----    ----
                   41  11Cl-PF3OUdS   Target    1      630.70>451.00   18.63   12    0.025    0.1   0.9953
                   42     PFDoA      Target     1      612.90>568.90   19.06   30    0.025    0.1   0.9951
                   43   M2PFDoA     Surrogate   3      615.00>570.00   19.06   10     ----    ----    ----
                   44    MPFDA      Surrogate   1      519.00>474.10   17.04   12     ----    ----    ----

               Standards available from Wellington Laboratories   During this study, an Initial Calibration curve was ran
               were used for these studies (EPA method analyte    5 consecutive days. Figure 2 shows an aggregate
               stock 2 mL volume in methanol at 1 ug/L, Internal   calibration curve for PFMPA and PFPeA and Figure 3
               standard in  methanol Wellington Catalog No. 533-IS   shows an aggregate calibration  curve for PFDA and
               and Isotope Dilution Analogue PDS in Methanol      example MRL 0.1 ng/L chromatogram. The
               Wellington Catalog No. 533-ES). These standards    chromatogram shown in Figure 4 is from a level 7, 6
               were then diluted to working standards as outlined   ng/L calibrator. Figure 5 shows a clean instrument
               in Section 7.17.5 of EPA Method 533 using 20%      blank (80:20 MeOH:H2O), indicating that the system
               water in methanol as diluent to match the extract   is free from  PFAS contamination as no PFAS was
               solvent composition. The working standards were    detected.
               used to create a calibration curve ranging from 1
               ng/L to 1000 ng/L  for NFDHA, and from 0.1 ng/L to
               100 ng/L for all other analytes.

                           Figure 2: Aggregate calibration curves for PFMPA, and PFPeA.
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