Page 46 - Application Notebook - PFAS Analysis
P. 46

No. SSI-LCMS-121

                                         Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry

                                          Analysis of Per- and Polyfluoroalkyl

                                          Substances (PFAS) Specified in EPA M533

            No. LCMS-121                   Using the Triple Quadrupole LC-MS/MS

               ■ Introduction
               EPA published a new method for testing short chain   Four replicates were prepared at each concentration
               per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in      level and a minimum of  four laboratory reagent
               drinking water. Method 533  measures PFAS by       blanks (LRB) were also included in the extraction
               isotope dilution anion exchange solid phase        batches.
               extraction and liquid chromatography/tandem mass
               spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). The lowest concentration   ■ Instrumental Method
               minimum reporting levels (LCMRLs) for the method   The analysis of 25 PFAS compounds, with16 isotope
               analytes range from 1.4 to 16 ng/L. Shimadzu       dilution analogues and 3 post  extraction internal
               Scientific Instruments was one of eight laboratories   standards was performed using a UHPLC system
               that participated in providing EPA with outside    coupled with a  triple quadrupole mass
               laboratory validation data along with a review of the   spectrometer. MRM transitions were optimized
               method draft. This document summarizes Shimadzu    using Flow Injection Analysis for all compounds .
               Scientific Instruments data from the validation study.   Source parameters were  optimized to reduce
                                                                  fragmentation and increase sensitivity. Fluorotelomer
               ■ Analytical Method                                acids,  observed as [M-H]- and [M-HF-H]- can result
               Sample Preparation                                 in an ion with the same m/z as the  unsaturated
               Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) with a WAX sorbent    fluorotelomer acid. Even under optimized
               (500 mg) was used for the  extraction, as outlined in   chromatography, these  compounds have near
               EPA method 533 (section 6.8.1). Each cartridge was    identical retention times. The lower ESI heater
               cleaned and conditioned first, following EPA 533   temperature  reduces HF loss and minimizes false
               (section 11.4.1). A vacuum manifold  with a high-  identification of fluorotelomer acids. The
               volume sampling kit outfitted with large bore PEEK   chromatographic parameters are based on the
               tubing was used to  reduce potential contamination.   chromatographic method used in EPA  Method 533.
                                                                  A Shim-pack XR-ODS 50 x 3.0 mm column was used
               All sample bottles were rinsed with the elution    as a delay  column, and a Phenomenex Gemini™
               solvent prior to use. Each water  sample (250 mL)   C18, 2.0 mm ID × 50 mm, 3.0 μm particle size
               was adjusted to pH 6-8 and fortified with PFAS     column was used as the analytical column.
               analyte and isotope  dilution analogues, mixed, and   Quantitation was performed using MRM  on tandem
               loaded onto the conditioned cartridge. Compounds   mass spectrometer (LC-MS/MS). Figure 1 shows the
               were  eluted at a high pH from the solid phase with   LCMS system used for this work (LCMS-8045);
               two 5 mL aliquots of methanol  containing 2%       instrumental  conditions are included in Table 1 and
               ammonium hydroxide (v/v) and evaporated to         retention times, MRM transitions and collision
               dryness using nitrogen.  Extracted samples were    energies are listed in Table 2.
               reconstituted to a final volume of 1 mL in 80:20
               methanol:H2O with internal standards added.

               Extraction for Precision & Accuracy study was
               performed by fortifying five replicates of reagent
               water and tap water samples at 10 ng/L. For LCMRL
               calculations (results not shown here) samples were   Figure 1: LCMS-8045 triple quadrupole mass spectrometer
               extracted at eight concentration levels ranging from
               0.2 ppt and 14 ppt.
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