Page 53 - Application Notebook - PFAS Analysis
P. 53

No. SSI-HPLC-037

               Table 2: LC-MS/MS method conditions used in Shimadzu LCMS-8050

                 Item                            Value
                 Column                          Shim-pack GIST C18 2.7 um 100 x 2.1 mm
                 Delay column                    XR-ODSII 3 x 75 mm
                 Mobile phase                    A: 10 mM ammonium acetate in H2O; B: MeOH
                 Flow rate                       0.5 mL/min
                                                 0 min: 20% B
                                                 9 min: 90% B
                 Gradient                        11 min: 90% B
                                                 11.5 min: 20% B
                                                 15 min: 20% B
                 Oven temperature                35  C
                 Injection volume                1 µL
                 Ionization mode                 ESI (-)

               Figure 2: LC-MS/MS chromatogram of target PFAS in a commercial standard diluted in MeOH (50 pg each on column)

               ■ Results and Discussion
               Recovery, Linearity, Reproducibility               Linearity results are shown in Table 4 along with the
               A set of experiments to identify the combination of   determined limit of quantitation for each compound;
               CO2’s modifier and additives that maximized the    r  for all compounds was >0.9995 except for N-
               extraction efficiency of 18 PFAS was first conducted   MeFOSAA (r : 0.9994). Linearity results show
               in this work. While 100% CO2 can be effective in   accurate determinations for PFAS compounds can be
               extracting nonpolar compounds, the addition of a   obtained regardless of concentration levels.
               cosolvent is often required in SFE to extract more
               polar compounds. Optimum extraction conditions     Reproducibility results for supercritical fluid
               were found to be 20% methanol without the need     extractions were determined at three PFAS
               for additives. The 18 targets from this study showed   concentration levels: 2 ng/g, 20 ng/g and 100 ng/g.
               recoveries over 95% with these conditions, as shown   Extractions were performed in triplicated samples.
               in Table 3.                                        Table 5 summarizes the variability of the extraction
                                                                  at each of the concentrations evaluated. %RSDs at
               Linearity of a matrix matched calibration curve, to   20 and 100 ng/g were less than 12% for all
               minimize the impact from coextracted matrix        compounds evaluated. At 2 ng/g, %RSD  was less
               components, was evaluated. Concentrations from     than 25%, except for PFTriA (27%) and N-MeFOSAA
               0.5 to 100 ng/g were spiked to a freeze-dried farm-  (45%). These results demonstrate the reproducibility
               raised trout fish tissue sample found to be free from   of SFE as a sample preparation technique.
               PFAS contamination.
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