Page 58 - Application Notebook - PFAS Analysis
P. 58

No. SSI-LCMS-119

               Table 1: Chromatography and mass spectrometer conditions.

                        Parameter                                       Value
                          LCMS                                     Shimadzu LCMS-8050
                                                         Restek Raptor C18 2.1 mm ID. x 150 mm L., 2.7 μm)
                      Analytical Column
                                                                     Part No 9304A62
                                                         Restek PFAS Delay Column (2.1 mm ID. x 50 mm L)
                    Solvent Delay Column
                                                                     Part No. 27854
                   Column Oven Temperature                              40 º C
                      Injection Volume                                   30 µL
                                                 A: 20 mmol Ammonium Acetate in 5 % (v/v) Acetonitrile in reagent water
                       Mobile Phase
                                                 B: 10 mmol Ammonium Acetate in 95 % (v/v) Acetonitrile in reagent water
                     Gradient Flow rate                               0.3 mL/ Min
                         Gradient            Time (minutes)                        % B
                                                 0                                  0
                                                 1                                 20
                                                 6                                 50
                                                 14                                100
                                                 17                                100
                                                 18                                 0
                                                 21                                 0
                         Run time                                      21 minutes
                     Nebulizing gas flow                                5 L/min
                      Heating gas flow                                 15 L /Min
                    Interface temperature                               300 °C
                  Desolvation Line temperature                          100 °C
                    Heat Block temperature                              200 °C
                       Drying gas flow                                  5 L /min
                    Acquisition cycle time                              21 min
                        Total MRMs                                        66

               ■ Results and Discussion
               It is known that PFAS can be present in reagents,   To monitor the lack of contamination two blanks
               glassware, pipettes, tubing, degassers and other   were injected at the beginning of each batch: system
               parts from the LC-MS/MS instruments. PFAS          null injection (air injection) and reagent blank (0.1%
               contamination coming from the LC system is         acetic acid in high purity water:methanol (50:50)).
               eliminated using a delay column placed between the   Figure 1 shows the schematic of the delay column
               reagents and the sample valve. This separates PFAS   set up, and Figure 2 shows the importance of having
               in the sample from the PFAS in the LC system. All   a delay column and its impact on data quality.
               supplies used to conduct the study were free from
               PFAS contamination.

               Figure 1: Schematic of Delay Column System to minimize background PFAS.
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