Page 54 - Application Notebook - PFAS Analysis
P. 54

No. SSI-HPLC-037

               Table 3: % recovery of target PFAS                 Quantitative analysis of fish samples
                                                                  Three fish samples with unknown PFAS
                 Compound                 % recovery
                 PFBS                        98.7                 concentrations were then evaluated with this
                 PFHxA                      105.9                 method. The samples were wild caught Walleye, wild
                 HFPO-DA                     97.4                 caught Large Mouth Bass, and farm raised Trout.
                 PFHxS                      102.7                 Figure 3 shows the LC-MS/MS chromatogram of an
                 PFHpA                      100.5                 extracted sample from each fish’s type. Table 6
                 ADONA                      100.7                 shows the concentration of PFAS determined in each
                 PFOA                       104.2                 type of fish. The wild caught Walleye and Large
                 PFNA                       101.9
                 PFOS                        98.1                 Mouth Bass were found to contain the largest
                 9Cl-PF3ONS                 100.5                 amounts of PFOS, PFDA, and PFUnA. No PFAS
                 PFDA                        99.9                 compounds were detected above the LOQ in the
                 N-MeFOSAA                  102.2                 farm raised Trout sample.
                 N-EtFOSAA                   97.6
                 PFUnA                       94.6
                 11Cl-PF3OUds               102.2
                 PFDoA                       96.3
                 PFTriA                      99.8
                 PFTreA                      97.2

               Table 4: Linearity of PFAS compounds spiked onto fish tissue

                              Lowest Calibration Standard (LOQ)   Highest Calibration Standard   Linearity (R )
                                    ng/g spiked on fish         ng/g spiked on fish
                 PFBS                     0.5                         100                    0.9999
                 PFHxA                    0.5                         100                    0.9995
                 HFPO-DA                  1                           100                    0.9997
                 PFHpA                    1                           100                    0.9996
                 PFHxS                    0.5                         100                    0.9999
                 ADONA                    0.5                         100                    0.9997
                 PFOA                     0.5                         100                    0.9997
                 PFNA                     0.5                         100                    0.9997
                 PFOS                     2                           100                    0.9999
                 9Cl-PF3ONS               1                           100                    0.9995
                 PFDA                     0.5                         100                    0.9998
                 N-MeFOSAA                2                           100                    0.9994
                 N-ETFOSAA                1                           100                    0.9999
                 PFUnA                    1                           100                    0.9997
                 11Cl-PF3OUdS             0.5                         100                    0.9999
                 PFDoA                    1                           100                    0.9996
                 PFTriA                   2                           100                    0.9997
                 PFTreA                   1                           100                    0.9995

               Table 5: Reproducibility of PFAS SFE extractions (n=3)

                                        100 ng/g                    20 ng/g                  2 ng/g
                 PFBS                     2.3                         7.9                    21.7
                 PFHxA                    4.9                         4.1                    15.6
                 HFPO-DA                  3.9                         4.4                     9.9
                 PFHxS                    4.2                         4.4                    19.9
                 PFHpA                    2.6                         4.9                     2.4
                 ADONA                    3.9                         3.2                    13.2
                 PFOA                     2.9                         3.1                    13.1
                 PFNA                     3.5                         3.6                    18.1
                 PFOS                     4.1                         3.9                    22.1
                 9Cl-PF3ONS               2.5                         1.3                     3.6
                 PFDA                     1.6                         7.4                    20.9
                 N-MeFOSAA                9.5                         9.6                    44.7
                 N-EtFOSAA                8.4                         6.2                    10.7
                 PFUnA                    2.3                         2.8                    18.4
                 11Cl-PF3OUds             4.1                         4.9                     7.8
                 PFDoA                    4.7                         5.8                    15.9
                 PFTriA                   4.4                         11.6                   26.8
                 PFTreA                   2.3                         3.6                    11.5
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