Page 60 - Application Notebook - PFAS Analysis
P. 60

No. SSI-LCMS-119

                                               Average                %Recovery                %RSD
                         FOSA                    80.25                 100.31                   6.54
                        M8FOSA                   73.51                  91.89                   4.03
                         PFTreA                  76.45                  95.57                   3.85
                        M2PFTreA                 73.54                  91.92                   4.97
                        HFPO-DA                  82.41                 103.01                   4.22
                    13C-HFPO-DA SURR             79.29                  99.12                   5.91
                        ADONA                    79.94                  99.92                   3.23
                       9Cl-PF3ONS                77.92                  97.40                   3.74
                      11Cl-PF3OUdS               79.39                  99.24                   9.23

               Our method screened for 24 PFAS compounds, but     Only two of the samples had no detectable PFAS
               only two were found in any of the samples – PFBA    concentration – the glass bottle and the cardboard
               (perfluoro butanoic acid) and 6-2 FTS (fluorotelomer   container. The other containers had at least one
               sulfonate). The highest levels were found in plastic   PFAS above the levels recommended by The
               bottles. Much of the attention in PFAS analysis has   International Bottled Water Association (IBWA). This
               been on the longer chain analogs, especially PFOS   organization has guidelines for its members of 5 ppt
               and PFOA. We did not see either one of these in the   for any individual PFAS, and 10 ppt for total PFAS
               samples tested. There is little information about the   concentration. The EPA has set guidelines of total
               ones that we did see regarding their effect on     PFAS concentration below 70 ppt, while the FDA is
               human health.                                      currently testing many types of foods for PFAS
                                                                  contamination and will use this data to set exposure
               Table 3 shows a summary of the PFAS residues in    limits.
               each water sample. The sample “Plastic 2” was
               labelled as “purified water” on the bottle, while all
               other bottles claimed “spring water” as their water

               Table 3: PFAS Data by Water Bottle Material.

                      PFAS        Blank     Glass   Cardboard   Metal   Plastic 1   Plastic 2   Plastic 3
                      PFBA         NQ        NQ        NQ       23.8      NQ       15.3     104.3      18.1
                     PFPeA         ND        ND        ND       ND        ND        ND       ND        ND
                     4-2 FTS       ND        NQ        NQ       NQ        NQ        NQ       NQ        NQ
                     PFHxA         ND        ND        ND       ND        ND        ND       ND        ND
                      PFBS         NQ        ND        ND       NQ        ND        ND       ND        ND
                     PFHpA         ND        NQ        NQ       ND        NQ        NQ       ND        ND
                     PFHxS         ND        ND        ND       ND        ND        ND       ND        ND
                     PFPeS         ND        ND        ND       ND        ND        ND       ND        ND
                     6-2 FTS       NQ        NQ        ND       NQ        81.5      NQ       ND       253.9
                      PFOA         ND        NQ        NQ       NQ        NQ        NQ       NQ        NQ
                      PFOS         ND        ND        ND       ND        ND        ND       ND        ND
                      PFNA         ND        NQ        NQ       NQ        NQ        NQ       NQ        NQ
                     PFHpS         ND        ND        ND       ND        ND        ND       ND        ND
                     8-2 FTS       NQ        ND        ND       ND        ND        ND       ND        ND
                    N-EtFOSAA      ND        ND        ND       ND        ND        ND       ND        ND
                   N-MeFOSAA       ND        ND        ND       ND        ND        ND       ND        ND
                      PFDA         NQ        ND        NQ       NQ        ND        NQ       NQ        NQ
                     PFUnA         ND        ND        ND       ND        ND        ND       ND        ND
                      PFNS         ND        ND        ND       ND        ND        ND       ND        ND
                     PFDoA         NQ        NQ        NQ       ND        NQ        ND       ND        NQ
                      PFDS         ND        ND        ND       ND        ND        ND       ND        ND
                     PFTriA        ND        ND        ND       ND        ND        ND       ND        ND
                      FOSA         ND        ND        ND       NQ        ND        ND       ND        ND
                     PFTreA        ND        ND        ND       ND        ND        ND       ND        ND
                    HFPO-DA        ND        ND        ND       NQ        ND        ND       ND        ND
                     ADONA         ND        ND        ND       ND        ND        ND       ND        ND
                   9Cl-PF3ONS      ND        ND        ND       ND        ND        ND       ND        ND
                  11Cl-PF3OUdS     ND        ND        ND       ND        ND        ND       ND        ND
               ND = not detected; NQ = not quantitated
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