Page 9 - Solutions for Plastic Evaluation
P. 9

Structure and Copolymers                                  Evaluation of Raw Materials


               Quantitation of Vinyl Acetate in EVA
               The copolymer ethylene-vinyl acetate (EVA) offers good clarity and is used for a wide variety of products, such as fertilizer bags, wrapping
               film, bottles, and tubes. Increasing the content of vinyl acetate in EVA increases its elasticity and thermal plasticity. Though there are several   Plastic Materials  Evaluation of
               methods available for quantitating the content of vinyl acetate in EVA, infrared spectrophotometry is easier and faster because analysis can
               be performed without pretreating samples.                                                              Raw Materials  Evaluation of

                                                        ATR Spectrum of EVA                                            Product Evaluation

               The EVA spectrum above was measured using the ATR method. The peaks near 1736 cm  and 1238 cm  correspond to C=O and C-O
               bond stretching vibration of vinyl acetate. The peaks near 2916 cm , 2849 cm , and 1464 cm  are primarily due to -CH2 in ethylene.   Product Information
               The results shown below on the left (enlarged view) are from samples containing 0%, 5%, and 7% vinyl acetate,  measured using a
               horizontal ATR attachment. The show that the peak intensity near 1736 cm  increases with increasing concentrations of vinyl acetate.
               The calibration curve below on the right was created using the intensity ratio of peaks near 1736 cm  and 1464 cm .
               In this way, the concentration of vinyl acetate in EVA can be determined from the peak intensities in infrared spectra.

                                ATR Spectra of EVA                           Calibration Curve of Vinyl Acetate
                     with Vinyl Acetate Concentrations of 0%, 5%, and 7%

                                                                                                   LAAN-D-XX007       9
   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13   14