Page 8 - Solutions for Plastic Evaluation
P. 8

Evaluation of Raw Materials
                             Structure and Isomers

    Evaluation of   Plastic Materials  FTIR Analysis of Polybutadiene Microstructure Using Single Reflection ATR
               Polybutadiene is a polymer with characteristics of both plastic and rubber. It is a collective term for multiple polymer configurations of
               1,3-butadiene monomers. These can polymerize into three types of structures, the cis structure (cis-1,4-polybutadiene), the trans structure
               (trans-1,4-polybutadiene), and the vinyl structure (1,2-polybutadiene). Of these structures, polybutadienes containing larger amounts of
               the plastic-like vinyl structure are used for applications such as wrapping films, whereas polybutadienes containing larger concentrations of
               the rubber-like cis structure are used for rubber products, such as tires and belts.

    Evaluation of   Raw Materials  -CH2      CH2-       -CH2      -(CH2CHCHCH2)n-
                                   1,3-butadiene: CH2=CH-CH=CH2


                                       CH CH                CH CH                 CH- CH2
                                                                   CH2-       Vinyl Structure
     Product Evaluation  The proportion of cis, trans, and vinyl structures in a polybutadiene can be determined using NMR spectra, infrared spectra, and
                                                           Trans Structure
                                      Cis Structure

               other methods. The Morero method using infrared spectra is considered useful if the polymer contains a high proportion of cis
               structures. The Morero method involves dissolving the sample in carbon disulfide and measuring the transmittance using a fixed
               cell with 1 mm optical path length. Then the proportion of each structure is determined from the absorbance of the cis, trans,
     Product Information  using dispersive IR systems for quantitation. However, this method requires weighing and dissolving samples, cleaning cells, and
               and vinyl group peaks. Since this method uses transmittance measured using a fixed cell, it provides good sensitivity and enables
               other processing. It also requires a significant amount of carbon disulfide. In contrast, the ATR method allows measuring samples
               directly, without requiring any pretreatment, and the prism can be cleaned with a tiny amount of alcohol or other cleaner.

               Shown  below  are  spectra  of  polybutadiene  with  90%  or
               higher  cis  content  obtained  using  a  DuraSamplIR II  single
               reflection ATR attachment. The peaks near 733 cm , 912 cm ,
               and  966  cm   correspond  to  cis,  vinyl,  and  trans  groups,
               respectively. Calibration curves for each group are shown to
               the right, all of which show good linearity.                                             5

                                                                            0.2    0.3    0.4    0
                                                                           Trans Concentration contrast, Wavenumber range : 944.9-

                             ATR Spectra of Polybutadiene                Calibration Curves for Cis, Trans, and Vinyl Groups

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