Page 6 - Solutions for Plastic Evaluation
P. 6

Evaluation of Raw Materials
                             Molecular Weight Distribution

    Evaluation of   Plastic Materials  Example of Recycling Preparative Separation of Polystyrene
               HPLC is widely used as a means to purify samples by separation, but the large preparative columns become quite expensive. Any
               cost limitations affect column length and quantity to achieve better separation. In such situations, separation can be improved
               by recycling the eluent band containing the target components through the column several times to effectively extend the
               column length. In this example, a Prominence semi-preparative recycling system was used to separate polystyrene by GPC.

               Fig.  1  illustrates  the  flow  line  of  the  Prominence  semi-  4PMWFOU  *OKFDUPS
    Evaluation of   Raw Materials  autosampler  or  manual  injector,  then  separated  by  the   EFMJWFSZ QVNQ  3FDZDMF LJU  1SFQBSBUJWF DPMVNO  67 7*4 EFUFDUPS
               preparative  recycling  system.  The  sample  is  loaded  by
                                                                 ʢ-$  "%ʣ
                                                                                               ʢ41%   "ʣ
               preparative  column  and  eluted  to  the  detector.  Here,  the
               system uses a recycle valve to divert the eluate either to the
               flow line leading to a fraction collector, or to the flow line                   3FDZDMF WBMWF
               leading  back  to  the  pump  inlet.  By  switching  the  recycle   %FHBTTJOH VOJU  'SBDUJPO DPMMFDUPS
                                                                                                ʢ'3$   "ʣ
               valve to divert the flow back to the pump inlet when target   ʢ%(6   " ʣ
     Product Evaluation  preparative  column  as  many  times  as  necessary  to  obtain   Fig. 1  Flow Line of Prominence Semi-Preparative
               peaks  are  eluted,  the  sample  can  be  recycled  through  the
               a  separation  equivalent  to  using  a  longer  column.  Since
               recycling the eluate does not consume any new mobile phase,
                                                                               Recycling System
               it also helps reduce solvent consumption.

               Fig.  2  shows  an  example  of  a  recycle  separation  of  polystyrene  molecular  weight  markers  (molecular  weight  =  781  and
     Product Information  polydispersity, can be separated into many oligomer peaks. By switching the recycle valve to the flow line leading to the FRC,
               polydispersity*  <  1.15).  Portions  indicated  by  arrows  are  recycled.  This  shows  how  even  polystyrene,  which  has  low
               target peaks are easily collected.

                                              Fig. 2  Example of Recycling Separation of Polystyrene

                                                        Analysis Conditions
                          Instrument : Prominence semi-preparative recycling system  Flowrate : 3.0 mL/min
                          Analytical Column : Shim-pack GPC-20025C+2002C+2001C  Column Temperature : Ambient
                                   (each 300 mmL × 20 mm I.D.)  Detection : UV 254 nm
                          Mobile Phase : Chloroform

                                                        * Polydispersity = Weight-Average Molecular Weight / Number-Average Molecular Weight

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