Page 3 - Solutions for Plastic Evaluation
P. 3

Product Evaluation

              Analysis purpose     Application                                         Instrument       Page
              Hazardous Substances                                                                                    Plastic Materials  Evaluation of
              Hazardous Metals     Analysis of Cadmium in Plastics Using an AA Spectrophotometer   AA    30
              Hazardous Substances
              Hazardous Metals     Analysis of Hazardous Metals in Plastics Using an ICP-AES System   ICP-AES  31
              Hazardous Substances
              Hazardous Metals     Analysis of Hexavalent Chromium in Plastic Using a UV-VIS Spectrophotometer  UV  32
              Hazardous Substances
              Organic Substances   Analysis of Phthalate Esters in Plastic             GC/MS             33           Raw Materials  Evaluation of
              Analysis of Hazardous Elements  Analysis of Hazardous Elements in Plastic Using an EDX Spectrometer  EDX  34
              Halogen-Free Analysis  Analysis of Halogen Elements (Chlorine) Using an EDX Spectrometer  EDX  35

               Product Information

              Product                                         Model                                     Page           Product Evaluation
              Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometer    IRAffinity-1, IRPrestige-21                36
              Single Nano Particle Size Analyzer              IG-1000                                    37
              High-Performance Liquid Chromatograph           Prominence                                 38
              Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer             GCMS-QP2010 Ultra                          39
              Liquid Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer          LCMS-2020, LCMS-IT-TOF                    40-41
              MALDI-TOFMS                                     AXIMA Performance                          42            Product Information
              Thermal Analyzer                                DSC-60, TMA-60, DTG-60                     43
              Gas Chromatograph                               GC-2014, GC-2010 Plus                      44
              Scanning Probe Microscope                       SPM-9700, WET-SPM Series                   45
              Infrared Microscope System                      AIM-8800                                   46
              UV-VIS Infrared Spectrophotometer               SolidSpec-3700 (DUV), UV-2600/2700, UVmini-1240  47
              Autograph                                       Autograph AG-X Series                      48
              Servopulser / Hydroshot                         Tabletop Servopulser, Hydroshot HITS-T10   49
              Industrial X-Ray Inspection System              inspeXio SMX-90CT, inspeXio SMX-225CT      50
              Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer             AA-7000, AA-7000G                          51
              Multitype ICP Emission Spectrometer             ICPE-9000                                  52
              Energy Dispersive X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer  EDX-720                                 53
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