Page 5 - Solutions for Plastic Evaluation
P. 5

Particle Size Control and                             Evaluation of Plastic Materials

                                           Particle Size Distribution                             Single Nano Particle Size Analyzer

               High-Sensitivity, High-Reproducibility Measurement of Single-Digit Nanoparticles
               Dispersed in Liquid                                                                                    Plastic Materials  Evaluation of

               Example of Measuring Fullerene                    Particle Size Distribution (volumetric basis)
                                                                 Normalized Particle Amount
               Even fullerene hydroxide particle sizes, which typify samples in
               the single-digit nanometer region, can be measured with high
               sensitivity and good reproducibility. This enables accurately
               evaluating the dispersivity of particles in the single nanometer region.                               Raw Materials  Evaluation of

               Sample provided by Professor Kokubo of Osaka University
                                                                                Particle Diameter (nm)

               Example of Measuring Mixed Samples
               (colloidal silica)                                Particle Size Distribution (volumetric basis)         Product Evaluation
               ○ A (only)
               ● B (only)
               △ A + B (mixture)
               Even mixed samples can be measured. The IG method utilizes
               the diffusion of a diffraction grating formed by particles to   Normalized Particle Amount
               measure  samples,  so  the  signal  level  is  not  dependent  on
               particle size. Therefore, this allows evaluating mixed samples.                                         Product Information
               In contrast, evaluating mixtures is difficult with methods that
               use scattered light, because the signal level is proportional to   Particle Diameter (nm)
               the cube of the particle diameter, even if the volume is the same.

               Example of Measuring Zinc Sulfide (ZnS)           Particle Size Distribution (volumetric basis)

               This  example  compares  IG-1000  and  TEM  measurement
               results (mean particle diameter).
               These show a very consistent relationship between sizes.
                                IG-1000  TEM                     Normalized Particle Amount

                            ○     1.63   1.98
                            ●    2.39    2.22                                   Particle Diameter (nm)

               Samples provided by Professor Mori of the Doshisha University

                                                                                                  LAAN-D-XX002A       5
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10