Page 13 - Solutions for Plastic Evaluation
P. 13

Additives              Evaluation of Raw Materials


               Analysis of Additives in Polymer Extract Using LCMS-IT-TOF (Part 2)
               – Predicting the Structure of Additives and Attributing MS  Measurement Results –
                                                                An organic solvent (in this case, THF/MeOH = 1/1) was added to a   Plastic Materials  Evaluation of
                                                                known quantity of polymer beads. Then they were processed in a
                                                                sonicator and the supernatant was taken as the measurement sample
                                                                and measured by an LCMS-IT-TOF system. The composition was
                                                                then predicted for one of the six types of additive peaks observed.
                                                                This resulted in obtaining a predicted formula (C28H52N2O4). (For
                                                                more details regarding the composition prediction process, refer to
                                                                Evaluation of Plastic Materials – 7A. Additives in the Plastic Analysis   Raw Materials  Evaluation of
                                                                Catalog.) Searching for this formula on the Internet revealed that it is
                                                                likely to be decanedioic acid bis (2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-4-piperidyl) ester,
                                                                an additive generally used as a stabilizer.
                                                                Ions detected in the MS  measurement were then attributed to the
                                                                predicted compound. This confirmed that the detected ions suggested
                                                                the predicted structure, with minimal error for each product ion.   Product Evaluation

               Prediction Results for Each Peak        (For more details regarding the composition prediction process, refer to Evaluation of   Product Information
                                                       Plastic Materials – 7A. Additives in the Plastic Analysis Catalog.)
                                                         Composition         m/z
                              Retention                    Formula
                               Time      Name of Predicted   (Molecular  Calculated  Measured  Error
                               (min)        Compound
                                                           Weight)    Value       Value
                          A     1.95     Triphenyl phosphate  C18H15O4P  327.0781  327.0791  1.0 mDa
                                                                                           3.1 ppm
                                                                                 ([M+H] )
                                                                     ([M+H] )
                                         Decanedoic acid bis
                          B     2.10      (2,2,6,6-tetramethyl-  C28H52N2O4  481.4000  481.4014  1.4 mDa
                                          4-piperidyl)ester  (480.3927)  ([M+H] )  ([M+H] )  2.9 ppm
                          C     2.55         Tinuvin P    C13H11N3O  226.0975   226.0972    0.3 mDa
                                                                                           1.3 ppm
                                                                                 ([M+H] )
                                                                     ([M+H] )
                          D     3.47       Onchitriol II A  C34H50O8  585.3433  585.3435   0.2 mDa
                                                          (586.3506)  ([M-H]-)   ([M-H]-)   0.33 ppm
                          E     4.29     2,2-Bis(3-sec-butyl-4-  C23H32O2  339.2330  339.2325  0.5 mDa
                                        hydroxyphenyl)propane  (340.2402)  ([M-H] ) -  ([M-H] ) -  1.4 ppm
                          F     8.94       Irganox 1076   C35H62O3   548.5037   548.5049   1.2 mDa
                                                          (530.4699)  ([M+NH 4] )  ([M+NH 4] )  2.2 ppm
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