Page 15 - Solutions for Plastic Evaluation
P. 15

Additives              Evaluation of Raw Materials

                                                                                                       Thermal Analysis

               Quantitation of Reinforcing Materials in Epoxy Resins

                                                                Quartz and other reinforcing materials in plastics are quantitated   Plastic Materials  Evaluation of
                                                                based on the quantity remaining after heating the sample in air until
                                                                the resin components are completely combusted. In this example,
                                                                the quantity of quartz in epoxy resin is quantitatively analyzed.
                                                                When the sample was heated in air, the epoxy resin was completely
                                                                combusted by 600°C and the weight decreased by 33.83%.
                                                                The concentration of quartz was calculated as 100 - 33.83 =
                                                                66.17%.                                               Raw Materials
                                                                On the DTA curve, the transition of quartz was measured at   Evaluation of
                                                                580°C, along with the endothermic and exothermic peaks due to
                                                                decomposition and combustion of the epoxy resin between 300 and

               Quantitation of Carbon Black in SBR                                                                     Product Evaluation
                                                                The quantity of carbon black in resin is measured by heating the
                                                                resin and switching from a nitrogen atmosphere to air. In the figure
                                                                to the left, the amount of carbon black contained in SBR was
                                                                quantitated. First the SBR was heated in a nitrogen atmosphere
                                                                to decompose all components of the rubber other than carbon
                                                                black. After completely decomposing the SBR by heating to about
                                                                600°C, the atmosphere was switched to air. When the carbon   Product Information
                                                                black combusted in air, the total decrease in weight was observed
                                                                and the carbon content was quantitated from the percentage
                                                                decrease. In the figure to the left, this resulted in a quantitated
                                                                value of 28.2%. Note, however, that combusting carbon black
                                                                generates residual inorganic matter.

               Configuration of DTG Gas Flow Lines

                                                                Due to its unique gas flow line configuration, the Shimadzu
                                                                DTG-60 thermal analyzer can be used for a wide variety of
                                                                measurement applications. For measurements in inert gas, the
                                                                vacuum pump exhaust is utilized to displace the gas quickly. The
                                                                gas inlet is located near the sample, so that it is also possible to
                                                                measure samples with active gas flowing only to the sample area,
                                                                while keeping the separate balance area protected with inert gas.

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