Page 14 - Solutions for Plastic Evaluation
P. 14

Evaluation of Raw Materials

    Evaluation of   Plastic Materials  Analysis of Additives in Acrylic Sheets
               Polymer materials degrade due to a variety of factors, including light, heat, mechanical and electrical factors, radiation, chemicals, and
               moisture. Many different additives, such as antioxidants, UV absorbers, hindered amine light stabilizers (HALS), and thermal stabilizers,
               have been developed to prevent such degradation and maintain the desired characteristics of the polymer material. The quantity of each
               additive used varies depending on the specific purpose of the polymer material, but generally is in ultra trace quantities of about 1%
               (w/w) or less. Even for the same polymer material, the type of additive can vary depending on the grade or manufacturer. Consequently,
               analyzing the additives in polymer materials is extremely important for investigating or improving the performance of various polymer
    Evaluation of   Raw Materials  In this example, an SEC-AccuSpot-AXIMA system is used to

               detect the additives in a commercial acrylic sheet product.The
               measurement sample was prepared by cutting about 1 g from a
               commercial acrylic sheet and sonicating it immersed in 1 mL of                   "CPVU   H PG
                                                                                                BDSZMJD TIFFU
               tetrahydrofuran (THF) for about 1 minute. The supernatant was
               then used as the measurement sample (Fig. 1). Fig. 2 shows SEC
                                                                                                    1 mL
     Product Evaluation  chromatograms for the samples extracted from the acrylic sheet.   Commercial Acrylic Sheet  4BNQMF TPMVUJPO
                                                                                              6MUSBTPOJD QSPDFTTJOH
               The AccuSpot system was used to collect fractions at six second
               intervals, from the time the primary peaks started eluting until they
               finished (7 minutes to 17 minutes 30 seconds), resulting in 105
               sample spots on a MALDI sample plate.
                                                                               Fig. 1  Sample Preparation
     Product Information  ∙ SEC Column : Shodex GF310A-1E (1.0 mmI.D. ×250 mm)  Mass Spectra   SEC Chromatogram
                             Analytical Conditions

                        Flowrate: 10 µL/min; Eluent: THF
                                                                                            RT (min)
                   Detector: UV ( λ = 220 nm); Injection volume: 1 µL
                                                                               7 min 00 sec
                                                                                          5.0  Start of fraction
               ∙ AccuSpot  Spot interval: 6 sec; Loadage: 1µL/well             9 min 00 sec   7 min 00 sec
                                 Loadage (mixture of matrix and cationizing               10.0
                                 reagent): 0.2 µL/well                        11 min 10 sec
                                                                              11 min 47 sec   End of fraction
               ∙ MALDI-TOFMS  Matrix: Dithranol-20 mg/mL- THF                                 collection
                                                                                              17 min 30 sec
                                         Cationizing reagent: Na-TFA-10 mg/mL  500  1000 1500 2000 2500 3000 3500
                                                                          Fig. 2  Mass Spectra of Respective Fractions
               Each spot was measured using a Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption
               Time of Flight Mass Spectrometer (MALDI-TOFMS) to obtain
               mass spectra (Fig. 2) corresponding to elution times. The fraction
                                                                          Before separation
               collected after 11 minutes 10 seconds shows a peak detected
               for the additive [IRGANOX 1010 + Na]  at m/z 1200, which was   Fraction after 11
               not visible before separation in the mass spectrum, even after   minutes 10 seconds   Oligomer components
               magnifying by five times (Fig. 3). In addition to the additives, three   [IRGANOX 1010 + Na] +  in the acrylic sheet
               different types of molecular weight distributions were detected                      :100
                (            ), with a peak near m/z 2000.                                          :100
               Since in each case, the interval between neighboring peaks is 100,   1400 1600 1800 2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 3200 3400
               these molecular weight distributions are presumably all due to   1000  2000  3000  4000  5000  6000  7000  8000  9000
               oligomers consisting of identical monomer units.
                                                                        Fig. 3  Detection of Additives in an Acrylic Sheet

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