Page 18 - Solutions for Plastic Evaluation
P. 18


        Product Evaluation
                             Surface Structure

    Evaluation of   Plastic Materials  Observing the Lamellar Structure of Polymer Film Using a Scanning Probe

               The surface of polymer films have a characteristic form typified by a lamellar structure that is related to the material's transparency and
               strength. In this example, the surface of polyethylene film is observed via a scanning probe microscope (SPM) to simultaneously obtain a
               three-dimensional image (left) and phase image (right) of the surface. The three-dimensional image shows that there are tiny bumps on
               the surface. The phase image clearly shows the lamellar structure and crystallization of the polymer. The areas where crystalli zation has
               progressed and become harder appear brighter. The image is 1.8 µm on each side. In this way, using an SPM allows easily observing the
    Evaluation of   Raw Materials
               structure and physical properties of polymer films under atmospheric conditions, without any special sample preparation.

     Product Evaluation

     Product Information

               Micro Phase Separation of Block Copolymers Using a Scanning Probe Microscope
               A phase separation structure can be observed in plastics
               that include a mixture of two or more materials. The image
               to the right is the block copolymer surface observed using
               a  scanning  probe  microscope  (SPM).  Due  to  the  SPMs
               high resolution capability, it clearly shows micro phase
               separation structures. Due to its ability to observe samples
               in atmospheric conditions, it is being used for an increasing
               range of applications, such as to observe the heating, cooling,
               tension, or cross sections of samples.

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