Page 23 - Solutions for Plastic Evaluation
P. 23


                                                                      Orientation                     Product Evaluation


               Measurement of Polarized Light of PET Film Using FTIR-ATR Method
              When polymers are stretched, the molecules tend to orient longitudinally parallel to the direction they are being stretched. The degree to which
              they are oriented in the same direction can be determined from polarized light measurements. Film samples are generally measured using the   Plastic Materials  Evaluation of
              transmission method and polarizers. However, if the film is too thick, the peaks can become saturated, which prevents measurement. In contrast,
              the ATR method offers the advantage of being able to measure films regardless of their thickness and obtains information about the sample surface
              as well.
              Results from measuring the polarized light of unstretched PET film and PET film stretched to 3 times its original length are shown below.
              Measurements were performed based on perpendicular polarized light (S), which provides information about vibration perpendicular to the incident
              plane (the plane formed by the incident and reflected light). Samples were placed in two orientations. One with the direction of stretching parallel
              to the incident plane (lateral orientation) and the other rotated 90 degrees to a perpendicular position (longitudinal orientation).   Raw Materials  Evaluation of
                                                           Direction of
                                                                              -POHJUVEJOBM PSJFOUBUJPO
                         -POHJUVEJOBM PSJFOUBUJPO                             -POHJUVEJOBM PSJFOUBUJPO
                                                                              -BUFSBM PSJFOUBUJPO
                         -BUFSBM PSJFOUBUJPO                                  -BUFSBM PSJFOUBUJPO
                         -BUFSBM PSJFOUBUJPO
                                                        Direction of perpendicular
                                                        polarized light vibration
                                                          Lateral Orientation                                          Product Evaluation

                              Unstretched PET Film                                  Stretched PET Film
                                                        Longitudinal Orientation
                                                        Longitudinal Orientation
               There was almost no difference between the unstretched film spectra and no molecular orientation was observable. However, for the
               stretched film, there were clear differences in their spectra, such as in the intensity ratio near 1712 cm  (due to C=O stretching vibration)   Product Information
               and near 1248 cm  (due to C-O stretching vibration). C=O stretching vibration was presumably oriented perpendicular to the molecular
               axis, whereas the C-O stretching vibration was presumably oriented parallel to the molecular axis. Therefore, these results indicate
               that the C=O stretching vibration increased when the sample was placed in the lateral
               orientation, so that the stretching direction was parallel to the incident plane. Similarly,
               C-O  stretching  vibration  increased  when  the  sample  was  placed  in  the  longitudinal   CH 2 CH 2
               orientation, so that stretching was perpendicular to the incident plane. Consequently,     n
               these results show that the molecules were oriented longitudinally in the stretched film.   Structural Formula for Polyethylene Terephthalate

               Measurement of Polarized Light of PET Film Using ATR Method
              Parallel polarized light refers to linear polarized light with an electric field parallel to the incident plane. Conversely, perpendicular
              polarized  light  refers  to  linear  polarized  light  with  an  electric  field  in  a  plane  perpendicular  to  parallel  polarized  light.  For
              perpendicular polarized light, the evanescent wave generated at the reflection point during ATR measurements has a vector
              in the X-direction, as shown below. For parallel polarized light, it has vectors in the Y and Z-directions. Therefore, information
              about molecular vibration in the X-direction can be obtained using measurements with perpendicular polarized light, whereas
              measurements with parallel polarized light provides information about molecular vibrations in the Y and Z-directions.
                                                             Infrared light        Infrared light
                                                  Ex                          Ez
                                           Perpendicular polarized light (S)   Parallel polarized light (P)
                                               Orientation of Polarized Light and Evanescent Waves

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