Page 21 - Solutions for Plastic Evaluation
P. 21


                                                               Local Structure                        Product Evaluation

                                                                                                 Infrared Microscope Systems (FTIR)

               Near-Infrared Mapping of Adhesives Using an Infrared Microscope
               This example uses near-infrared spectroscopy to map a two-
               solution mixed type epoxy. The epoxy was measured using near-                                          Plastic Materials  Evaluation of
               infrared transmission by sandwiching a mixture of appropriate
               amounts of ingredient A (epoxy resin) and ingredient B (polyol)
               between two glass slides, as shown below. The image obtained
               using the mapping software is shown on the right.                                                      Raw Materials  Evaluation of

                       Adhesive Sandwiched Between Two Glass Slides          Image After Preview Scanning              Product Evaluation
               Spectra for 4 arbitrary points are shown below, in the upper figure and an intensity map of peak heights at 6071 and 4528 cm  -1
               is shown in the lower figure. The peaks at 6071 cm  correspond to the first overtone of the C-H stretching vibration on the epoxy
               group, whereas the peaks at 4528 cm  correspond to a combination of the C-H stretching and bending vibrations. In the lower
               intensity map, the peaks at 4528 cm  are present across the entire A and B mixture area, whereas the peaks at 6071 cm  are only   Product Information
               present near the center of the A and B mixture area. In the area above the center where 6071 cm  peaks are not observed (side
               with ingredient B), the epoxy group has presumably reacted with the polyol and changed its structure.

                                                     NIR Spectra of 4 Arbitrary Points

                                               Intensity Map of Peaks at 6071 cm  and 4528 cm -1

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