Page 22 - Solutions for Plastic Evaluation
P. 22


        Product Evaluation
                             Optical Properties

    Evaluation of   Plastic Materials  Measurement of Diffuse Reflectance in Plastic Using an Integrating Sphere
               In this example, an ISR-2600Plus integrating sphere attachment was installed in a UV-2600 UV-VIS spectrophotometer to measures the
               diffuse reflectance of two plastic caps (red and blue). The reflectance spectra are shown to the left and a photograph of the sample placed
               in the integrating sphere is shown to the right. Barium sulfate was used as the reference sample. Based on the left figure, the blue cap
               mainly reflects blue light in the 400 to 500 nm range, whereas the red cap mainly reflects red light in the 600 to 700 nm range. This
               system allows measuring the reflectance easily by simply placing the sample in the integrating sphere.

    Evaluation of   Raw Materials

     Product Evaluation

                              Diffuse Reflectance Spectra of Plastic Caps  ISR-2600Plus Integrating Sphere

     Product Information  Measuring Color

               The color measurement software allows converting spectral data to color values. The figure on the left shows the results from
               using the color measurement software to convert the above cap data to L*a*b* color system values.
               A chromaticity diagram of the L*a*b* color values is shown on the right, where the L* graph shown on the left side indicates
               the brightness. The higher the data point, the lighter (brighter) the color and the lower the data point, the darker the color.
               The a*b* graph on the right indicates the color saturation and hue. The closer the data point is to the center of the circle, the
               less saturated (less colorful) the color and the closer it is to the perimeter, the more saturated the color. Similarly, the radial
               angle indicates the hue. For example, reds are located toward the upper right. In addition to the L*a*b* color system, the color
               measurement software can also use various other color systems, such as the Lab, L*u*v*, and Munsell systems.

                         Main Window of Color Measurement Software            Chromaticity Diagram

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