Page 27 - Solutions for Plastic Evaluation
P. 27


              Mechanical CharacteristicsFatigue and                                                   Product Evaluation

                                                             Impact Strength                         Servopulser/Hydroshot

               Evaluation of Endurance (Fatigue Strength) of Various Plastic Products Using Servopulser
               In actual usage, plastic products are always exposed to some sort of repeated stresses.In particular, if the item is used for
               transportation equipment or as a structural member, then the endurance must be determined to ensure safety, which involves   Plastic Materials  Evaluation of
               repeatedly applying a load at high speed to evaluate its service life. Servopulser and Micro-Servo testing machines efficiently and
               accurately apply loads to evaluate the service life of specimens.

               Example of testing endurance of GFRP                                                                   Raw Materials  Evaluation of

                                            Change in Stress-Displacement Amplitude Over Time  Stress-Endurance Curve  Product Evaluation

               Example of fatigue test of fuel cell electrolyte

                                              Change in Stress-Displacement Curve Over Time  Change in Displacement (Upper/Lower Limits) Over Time  Product Information

               Evaluation of Impact Strength of Various Plastic Products Using Hydroshot
               Data  for  evaluating  impact  strength  is  an  important  parameter  for  determining  the  safety  and  impact  (energy)  absorbing
               characteristics of plastic products, such as those used in automobiles.Hydroshot impact testing machines obtain test force and
               displacement data at loading speeds of up to 20 m/sec (72 km/h), where loading can be applied in either tensile or puncture modes.

                                 High-Speed Tensile Testing of CFRP    High-Speed Tensile Testing of Polyester Film

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