Page 31 - Solutions for Plastic Evaluation
P. 31


             Hazardous Substances  Hazardous Metals                                                   Product Evaluation


               Analysis of Hazardous Metals in Plastics Using an ICP-AES System
               ICP emission spectrometers are able to analyze elements in sample solutions with high sensitivity. Solid samples, such as plastics,
               require using dry incineration, wet digestion, microwave digestion, or other methods to pretreat samples to prepare a solution.   Plastic Materials  Evaluation of
               However, that requires selecting the appropriate pretreatment method for the elements being analyzed. This example introduces
               results from using respective pretreatment methods to prepare solutions of plastic samples (standard polyethylene samples
               BCR680 and BCR681) and then analyze them for hazardous metals, such as lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd), using a Shimadzu
               multitype ICPE-9000 emission spectrometer.

               Sample Pretreatment Methods

               (1) Dry Incineration Method                                                                            Raw Materials  Evaluation of
               Weigh 0.2 g of sample into a quartz crucible. Add enough sulfuric acid to immerse the sample. Heat the crucible on a hotplate until the
               white SO3 smoke starts dissipating and then place it in an electric furnace and incinerate the contents to ash at 450°C. After incineration,
               add 5 mL of hydrochloric acid (1 + 2) to the residue and evaporate it to dryness on a water bath. Add 10 mL of 1 mol/L nitric acid and
               apply heat to dissolve the sample. After letting it cool, measure 20 mL of the digest solution. (Reference: Food Sanitation Inspection
               Guidelines – Physics and Chemistry, 2005, supervised by the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour, and Welfare)

               (2) Wet Digestion Method                                                                                Product Evaluation
               Weigh 0.2 g of the sample in a Kjeldahl flask. Add sulfuric acid, nitric acid, and hydrogen peroxide to the flask and heat it on a heating
               mantle (at about 300°C) to digest the sample. The contents will become black with carbon and white SO3 smoke is emitted. After the
               solution turns black with carbon, add more nitric acid and hydrogen peroxide and continue heating (at about 350°C). Repeat this process
               until the contents turn pale yellow. After letting the flask cool, measure 20 mL of the solution. (Reference: BS EN1122 Method A:2001)
               (3) Microwave Digestion Method
               Weigh 0.2 g of the sample in a digestion vessel. Add nitric acid and hydrogen peroxide and seal the vessel.  Digest the sample in
               microwave sample pretreatment unit. After letting the digestion vessel cool, measure 20 mL of the digest solution. Note: For samples   Product Information
               containing large amounts of coexisting components, such as additives, use a small amount of hydrofluoric acid.
               (Reference: US EPA SW-846 Method 3052)

               Analytical Conditions and Results

               Analytical Results                                                 Analytical Conditions
               Analytical results are shown in Table 1. Good results were obtained, with lead (Pb) and   Instrument: ICPE-9000
               cadmium (Cd) results from dry incineration, cadmium (Cd), total chromium (Cr), and   High frequency output: 1.2 kW
               mercury (Hg) results from wet digestion, and results for all elements from microwave   Plasma gas flowrate: 10 L/min
               digestion consistent with certified values.
                                                                                  Auxiliary gas flowrate: 0.6 L/min
               Discussion                                                         Carrier gas flowrate: 0.7 L/min
               The ICP emission spectrometer enabled measuring trace components with good precision.   Sample introduction: Coaxial nebulizer
               Nevertheless, Hg results were low for dry incineration, presumably due to scattering at high   Spray chamber: Cyclone chamber
               temperature and Pb results were low for wet digestion, presumably due to precipitation of lead   Plasma torch: Mini torch
               sulfate formed from reaction with the sulfuric acid used for digestion. Therefore, an appropriate   Observation method: Axial
               sample pretreatment method must be selected based on the elements being measured.
                                               Table 1  Quantitation Results of Polyethylene      Unit:mg/kg
                       sample                  BCR680                               BCR681
                        Pretreatment                 Microwave  Certified                 Microwave  Certified
                                 Dry incineration  Wet digestion      Dry incineration  Wet digestion
                     Element                         digestion  value                      digestion  value
                         Cd         141       140     140      140.8     21.0      21.4     21.7    21.7
                         Pb         105        0.2    108      107.6     13.1        0.2    13.5    13.8
                         Cr         105       112     112      114.6     16.2      17.2     17.5    17.7
                         Hg          0.2      24.0    25.6     25.3        0.2      4.3     4.6     4.5
                         As         28        31       30      30.9       4         4        4      3.93

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