Page 7 - Oligonucleotide Therapeutics Solution Guide
P. 7

Characteristic analysis
 Quality Control

 Separation of Impurities  Nexera XS inert

 Oligonucleotide Analysis by Ion
               The potential adsorption of an analyte onto wetted surfaces of       System Controller            Modification
 Exchange Chromatography (IEX)  UHPLC instruments poses some critical challenges when analyzing   SCL-40, CBM-40/40lite  Target selection
               biomolecules. While elevated pressure tolerance is required to
 click here    achieve optimal chromatographic separation when using small          Used to coordinate actions of the overall
                                                                                    system, this controller offers intuitive operation
               particle size columns, the inertness of the wetted surfaces is also   that minimizes the stress involved in operating
                                                                                    the system, from startup to shutdown.
               of the utmost importance, as is resistance to corrosion due to the
 •   Short chain oligonucleotides can be separated based on the base unit.  use of mobile phases with high salt concentrations and extreme   Detector
               pH values.                                                           SPD-40/40V/M40
 •   Oligonucleotides can be separated from impurities such as protecting   The Nexera XS inert system offers the ideal solution for the   Inert type cells for UHPLC analysis eliminate
 groups used in the chemical synthesis process.  separation of biomolecules by combining the elevated pressure   the risk of adsorption on the detector.
                                                                                    Low-diffusion cell, which has 5 mm of
 benefits      tolerance of a UHPLC system with complete inertness of the           optical path length, can also be selected.
 •   It can be analyzed using mobile phases with high salt concentrations   sample flow path, ensured by the absence of wetted metal   Excision
 and a wide pH range.  surfaces and offering ultra-high resistance to corrosion.    Solvent Delivery Unit        Unprotected
                                                                                    LC-40D XSi                       Oligomer synthesis
                                                                                    Designed with corrosion-resistant non-stainless
                                                                                    steel materials, it offers rugged, low-pulsation
  Methods and Results                                                               performance, advanced AI features and solvent
                                                                                    blending capabilities. (optional).
 Sample  5‘-TCTTGGTTACATGAAA-3‘   (16 mer)
 5‘-TCTTGGTTACATGAAAT-3‘   (17 mer)                                                 Autosampler
 5‘-TCTTGGTTACATGAAATC-3‘   (18 mer)                                                SIL-40C XSi
 5‘-TCTTGGTTACATGAAATCC-3‘   (19 mer)  Unconstrained Recovery and Sensitivity       This high-performance autosampler
               Reduces sample loss due to adsorption to metal and achieves excellent sensitivity.  features nonmetal materials for all surfaces
 Conc., Volume 5 µmol/L, 4 µL                                                       that contact liquids. That inhibits metal-ad-
 Preparation  Dilution in ultrapure water to the concentrations above.  Clear Resolution without Restrictions  sorption of biomolecules.
 Analytical   As shown in Table 1  Improves peak shape and achieves excellent chromatographic separation.        Purification
 Conditions                                                                         UHPLC Inert Switching Valve
 Figure 1   Chromatogram of oligonucleotides mixture                                FCV-0206H2i/FCV-0607H2i
 Results  Target oligonucleotides in 20 mer and 4 sequences that were   Assured Reliability and Reproducibility
 deleted from n-1 to n-4 on the 3’ terminus of target were                          Designed with adsorption-inhibiting
 prepared as impurities derived from the synthesis. All of them   Table 2   Relative standard deviation (% RSD) of each component (n = 6)  Reliable data for metal-adsorbing compounds with high reproducibility.  materials for all wetted surfaces.
 were unmodified single-stranded DNA and synthesized by
 a solid phase synthesis (HPLC-purified). For ion-exchange   Length(mer)  Retention time  Area
 chromatography, Figure 1 shows a chromatogram of a mixture   16  0.138  0.224
 of five-sequence oligonucleotide. Each oligonucleotide was   17  0.105  0.335
 separated by their length. Table 2 shows the relative standard   Finger Tight Fittings for Simple and Secure Connections
 deviations (% RSD, n = 6) of the retention time and area of the   18  0.098  0.494
 16 - 20 mer oligonucleotide mixture, with RSD% less than 1%   19  0.085  0.161  Nexera XS inert systems feature tubing connections with unique finger-tight
 for both parameters.  20  0.075  0.307  fittings. They can achieve connections with up to 105 MPa of pressure capacity by
 And then, a mixture of five oligonucleotides was prepared (four
 of them were HPLC-purified while 1 was only desalted) and   finger-tightening and without creating any dead volume.
 compared with the mixture of all HPLC-purified nucleotides
 (Figure 2). The target oligonucleotides were completely separated   1 : 5’- TCTTGGTTACATGAAA -3’
 from impurities such as free protecting groups and shorter length   2 : 5’- TCTTGGTTACATGAAAT -3’  3 4           Quality Control
 oligonucleotides.   3 : 5’- TCTTGGTTACATGAAATC- 3’                                                                 Characteristic analysis
 4 : 5’- TCTTGGTTACATGAAATCC -3’  2  5
 Table 1   Analysis Conditions    Resolution without Restrictions
 System:  Nexera XS inert
 Column:  Shim-pack Bio IEX Q-NP  The Nexera XS inert system is equipped with unique technology that ensures the complete inertness of the sample flow path. The system provides
 (100 mm × 4.6 mm I.D., 5 µm)   excellent peak shape and unsurpassed chromatographic separation by effectively inhibiting the adsorption of target compounds to internal surfaces.
 Mobile phase A:  10 mmol/L NaOH
 Mobile phase B:  10 mmol/L NaOH containing 1 mol/L NaClO4
 Shorter length of           Standard UHPLC (stainless steel-based)            Nexera XS inert
 Flow rate:  0.8 mL/min   Protecting groups  oligonucleotides  mAU  mAU                                          DDS
 Time program:  25-32.5% (0-15 min) → 100% (15-20 min) →                     AMP
 (B Conc. )  25% (20-25 min)  30     AMP                       30      ADP
 Column temp.:  30 °C  5 mixed oligonucleotides                        ATP                                         Pharmacokinetics
 Injection volume:  4 µL   (including desalted oligonucleotides)  20  20
 Detection:  UV 260 nm (SPD-M40), UHPLC standard cell
 5 mixed oligonucleotides
 Vial:  Shimadzu 1.1 mL sample vial   (HPLC-puri ed)  10       10
                    0                                           0
 0.0  5.0  10.0  min
                     0.0  1.0  2.0  3.0  4.0  5.0  6.0  7.0  min  0.0  1.0  2.0  3.0  4.0  5.0  6.0  7.0  min
 Figure 2   Chromatograms of the oligonucleotide mixture containing impurities
               Metal-sensitive                    Poor peak shape  Material that inhibits   Sharp peaks
               compounds                                      adsorption
  Conclusions           Adsorption to internal surface  Peak tailing                        Excellent separation  Other

 By using Nexera XS inert and Shim-pack Bio IEX, it is possible to reproducibly separate the desired oligonucleotide from impurities such as protecting
 groups generated during chemical synthesis or oligonucleotides with different chain lengths generated by incomplete synthesis.  Stainless steel tubing

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