Page 3 - Oligonucleotide Therapeutics Solution Guide
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Types and Characteristics of Oligonucleotide Therapeutics

 Oligonucleotide therapeutics are nucleic acid polymers generally comprised of a few to several dozen bases   However, it is a practical problem that oligonucleotide therapeutics are degraded and excreted rapidly after
 (including modi ed bases) linked together. They are produced by chemical synthesis and act directly on organisms   administration by exonucleases and endonucleases that are abundant in blood and cells. This problem is being
 without being translated into proteins. Oligonucleotide therapeutics are characterized by the ability to target   addressed by the introduction of modi ed oligonucleotides to improve chemical stability in vivo and by the
 speci c diseases. Another advantage is that it takes less time than conventional methods to  nd new therapeutic   development of lesion-targeted DDS (drug delivery systems) technologies.
 candidates because oligonucleotides are easy to design and synthesize.

 Inhibit functionality by binding to a target protein  Inhibit gene expression by binding to target RNA

 Aptamer  Decoy       Antisense                    Ribozyme                        siRNA
 This is a single strand of DNA or RNA   This binds to proteins called
 that forms a thermodynamically stable   transcription factors that regulate   This inhibits gene expression by   This is an RNA with enzymatic   This is a double-stranded RNA of
 conformation through complementary   gene expression, preventing   binding to the sense chain mRNA   activity that is coordinated by   about 21 ~ 23 bases. It inhibits
 sequences within the molecule.   them from binding to the genome   encoding the target protein.  metal ions. It inhibits protein   protein expression by degrading
 It binds directly to and acts on   and signaling an immune   expression by binding to and   mRNA of target genes.
 target proteins.  response.                    cleaving target mRNA.
 Target Protein

 Inhibition of signal   Inhibition of DNA transcription
 transduction  and Gene Expression  miRNA





 CpG oligo
 This is single-stranded DNA with a sequence   Show ef cacy by activating   Silence target gene expression by
 of cytosine and guanine linked by   miRNAs are regulatory RNAs that
 phosphodiester bonds (CpG motif). It is taken   innate immunity  regulate gene expression.   supplying miRNA
 up by endocytosis and activates innate   Silence target gene expression
                   by supplying miRNA.
 immunity by acting on Toll-like receptors
 9 (TLR9) expressed on
 endosomal membranes.                                            Note: Not all oligonucleotides therapeutics are applicable.
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