Page 5 - Oligonucleotide Therapeutics Solution Guide
P. 5

Workflow of Oligonucleotide Therapeutics

 The workflow for research and development of oligonucleotide therapeutics is as follows. Various solutions for purification, characterization and quality control which are indispensable for the development of oligonucleotide therapeutics are introduced in
 this guide.

 Target selection
 Modification                                                                                                    Modification  Target selection

 Oligomer synthesis

 Excision                                                                                                        Unprotected  Excision  Oligomer synthesis

 Purification                                                                                                    Purification
 Separation of impurities
     Oligonucleotide therapeutics are mainly manufactured by chemical synthesis. Separation and purification from impurities such as base
 defect and residual protecting group formed in the synthesis process are large problems.
                                                                           P. 6 – 9

 Tm measurement and thermodynamic parameter analysis                                                             Quality Control   Characteristic analysis
       The melting temperature (Tm) of an oligonucleotide is the temperature at which 50% of double-stranded DNA or RNA separates into
 single strands. The higher the Tm, the more stable the double-stranded DNA or RNA. It is one of the quality control test items.
                                                                         P. 10 – 13
 analysis  Sequence confirmation

 Quality Control   →
     The principle of quality control is "efficacy and safety," and the sequence of oligonucleotides is an important factor because it is involved
 in the recognition of target molecules.                                 P. 14 – 17

 Confirmation of molecular weight, quantification, and concentration
      Confirmation of synthesized oligonucleotide product identity and examination of impurities by LC-MS precision mass spectrometry are
 important quality control tests.
    UV-visible spectrophotometers are useful for simple oligonucleotide concentration verification and spectral confirmation.   P. 16 – 29

 Pharmacokinetics                                                                                                DDS
 DDS                                                                                                             Other  Pharmacokinetics
   1   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10