Page 9 - Oligonucleotide Therapeutics Solution Guide
P. 9

Characteristic analysis
 Quality Control

 Separation of Impurities  Nexera XS inert

 Oligonucleotide Analysis by Ion Pair
               Getting the right analytical conditions requires a lot of tests and data processing. Nexera XS inert can provide some great support by configuring   Modification
 Reverse Phase Chromatography  several systems that are suitable for each purpose. Method Scouting System is a method development system based on Shimadzu’s UHPLC   Target selection
               technology. The combination with Method Scouting Solution dedicated control software achieves a fast and accurate method scouting workflow,
               offering excellent support for method development.

               Automates Development of Analytical Conditions
               ~ Method Scouting ~
 •  Short chain oligonucleotides can be separated based on the base unit.
 •   By optimizing the composition of the mobile phase and the gradient   The process of considering which analytical conditions to specify for LC separation requires evaluating a huge number of possible combinations of
               columns, mobile phases, column temperatures, and other factors, which can be taxing on analytical personnel. The Nexera method scouting system
 benefits  conditions, the oligonucleotides were reproducibly separated by chain   offers functionality for automatically switching between multiple mobile phase conditions and columns for analysis. Consequently, it can be used to
 length        develop methods more efficiently by automating the process of optimizing mobile phase pH, salt concentration, or other analytical condition settings.  Unprotected  Excision

                Previous Method                                                                                      Oligomer synthesis
  Methods and Results  Create method  Create schedule  Acquire data               Analyze data
 dT(25)  dT(30)
 Sample  Thymidylate (dTMP)  A method must be created for each combination of column
 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 30 mer  dT(20)  and mobile phase. Creating this large number of methods is
 (HPLC - purified) 14-sequenced dTMP mixture  labor-intensive.  Column 1  Column 2  Overnight  Column 3  Column 4  Overnight  Column 5  Column 6
                                                                           The operation is complicated because a large amount
 Conc., Volume 5 µmol/L, 5 µL                                              of data is manually combined into one report.
 Preparation  Dilution in ultrapure water to the concentrations above.  dT(10)
 Analytical   As shown in Table 1  dT(6)
 Conditions     Method Scouting System + LabSolutions MD
 Results of   The type and concentration of ion pairing reagent and the organic   Create schedule                Purification
 examination   solvent were evaluated. Triethylamine (TEA) or dibutylamine (DBA)   Set conditions  automatically  Acquire data  Analyze data
 of analytical   was selected as the ion-pairing reagent, and acetonitrile or methanol
 condition  as the organic solvent. When TEA was used as an ion pairing reagent,   Methods are automatically created with
 multiple peaks overlapped in any combination with organic solvents,   5.0  7.5  10.0  12.5  15.0  17.5  20.0  22.5  25.0  27.5  min  different combinations of columns, mobile
 resulting in insufficient separation. When DBA was used as the ion   Figure 1   Chromatogram of 14-sequenced dTMP mixture  phases, etc.  Column 1  Column 2  Column 3  Column 4  Column 5  Column 6  Templates are output after   Print out as a
 pairing reagent, separation was improved compared to TEA.
                                                       being automatically filled   1-page report.
 The concentration of DBA was adjusted from the previous   with analytical results.
 conditions. Even when the concentration of DBA was low,
 oligonucleotides were separated with a good peak shape.   Table 2   Relative standard deviation (% RSD) of each component (n = 6)
 Therefore, the concentration of DBA of 10 mmol/L was         mAU
 considered appropriate.  Sample  Retention time  Area       2
                                                                                              pH 5.7
 Results of   Based on the above results, 14-sequenced dTMP mixed samples   dT(6)  0.079  0.760  85%  0
 separation  were analyzed using the analytical conditions shown in Table 1.   dT(10)  0.048  0.493  A
 As a result, dTMP with short chain length was eluted in order   10%  B  2                    pH 6.0
 and separated by chain length in units of base (Figure. 1).  dT(15)  0.038  0.443  X
 In addition, the relative standard deviation (% RSD) of the   dT(20)  0.030  0.867  5%  C  0                     Quality Control
 retention time and the area was less than 1 % when repeated   dT(25)  0.028  0.767  0% D  Solvent delivery   2     Characteristic analysis
 analysis was performed six times (Table 2).  unit 1                                          pH 6.3
 dT(30)  0.028  0.757                                        0
                       50%         A                   Mixer
 Table 1   Analysis Conditions                               2
                             20%    B                                                         pH 6.6
 System:  Nexera XS inert       5%  C          Y             0
 Column:  Shim-pack Scepter C18-120 [metal free]  25%  Solvent delivery   2                   pH 6.9
 (150 mm × 4.6 mm I.D., 5 µm)      D          unit 2
 Mobile phase A:  10 mmol/L DBAA pH 6.0  Solvent Blending  Binary Gradient
 Mobile phase B:  10 mmol/L DBAA pH 6.0 / Methanol = 20 : 80  2                               pH 7.2
                     Mobile phases prepared  Gradient analysis                                                   DDS
 Flow rate:  1.0 mL/min                                      0
                    automatically at each pump  with mobile phases
 Time program:  45-65% (0-30 min) → 100% (30-35 min)          0.0      2.5      5.0      7.5      min
 (B Conc. )  → 45% (35-45 min)                                                                                     Pharmacokinetics
 Column temp.:  35 °C
 Injection volume:  5 µL
 Detection:  UV 260 nm (SPD-M40), UHPLC inert cell  Mobile Phase pH Monitor
 Vial:  Shimadzu 1.1 mL sample vial
               ~ pHM-40 ~
               The pH monitor pHM-40 continuously monitors the pH of mobile phases to identify any changes in mobile
               phase pH in real time.
  Conclusions                                                                                                    Other

 By optimizing the column temperature, mobile phase composition, and gradient conditions, short oligonucleotides up to 30 mer in base
 units can be separated reproducibly for each chain length.

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 index                                                                                                   index
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