Page 41 - Pharmaceutical- Guide to Biopharmaceutical
P. 41

Characterization  Quality Control

 Evaluating Aggregates in Protein Drug Products  iSpect DIA-10

 Characterization of Insoluble Subvisible Particles in   benefits

 Biopharmaceuticals Using the Flow Imaging Method                                                                  Cell Line Optimization
 click here            •   The optical system, which overlooks very few particles, can be used to evaluate the
                         particle count concentration of micrometer-level aggregates.
 Operating Principle and Features  Table 2   Observed Particle Count and Number Concentration
    Heat aggregate sample  Stirring aggregate sample  •   Sample quantities as small as 50 μL can be measured.
 For protein drug evaluation, the United States Pharmacopeia and   Overall  32246  18813  •   Simple measurements can be performed in three steps, which minimizes the burden
 Japanese Pharmacopoeia specify using the light obscuration (LO)   Observed particle   <   2 µm<  20129  4669
 method to evaluate insoluble particles that are 10 μm or larger.   count  By size  2 - 10 µm  11797  14057  on operators.  Culture
 Meanwhile, flow imaging (FI), a dynamic image analysis method that   10 - 25 µm  298  78 9
 ≥ 25 µm
 offers high sensitivity for particles with high permeability and also the   Overall  668102  389784
 ability to classify particles in images, has been gaining attention as a   <   2 µm  417051  96737
 method for analyzing micrometer-level insoluble subvisible particles.  Particle   2 - 10 µm  244421  291246
 The iSpect DIA-10 dynamic particle image analysis system is used to   (count/mL)  By size  10 - 25 µm  6174  1616
 acquire images of particles in liquid samples for measuring the size   ≥ 25 µm   456  186
 distribution, concentration, and shapes of particles based on the flow   *  Particle concentration is calculated from the observed particle count, volume of area observed,
 imaging method. Due to the small sample quantities used (minimum 50 μL   and number of images
 for measurements) and the optical system that misses very few particles,
 it is ideal for evaluating insoluble subvisible particles in biopharmaceuticals.                                  Purification
 Measurement Method and Conditions

 Sample solutions were prepared using freeze-dried human
 immunoglobulin. The sample powder was dissolved in a pH 5.0 citrate-
 phosphate buffer solution (1 mg/mL), which was filtered through a 100
 nm filter and the filtrate was used as the sample solution.
 Half the sample solution was heated for three minutes at 80 °C.
 The other half was stirred with a PEEK polymer stirring plate for ten
 minutes. Then the heat-aggregated and the stirring-aggregated
 samples were measured according to the conditions in Table 1.                                                     Characterization
 Table 1   Measurement Conditions  Specifications
 Fig. 2   Particle Image of Aggregates from Stirring
  Frame rate   8 frame / sec
  Efficiency   97 %  Instrument               iSpect DIA-10
 Heat stress
  Sample amount   50 µL  Stirring stress  Measurement method  Dynamic image analysis method
  Threshold   220
  Flowrate   0.1 mL / min  Particle size measurement range *1  *2  5 to 100 μm
 Results  Concentration (count/mL)  Particle count concentration reproducibility  CV ≤ 5 %                         Quality Control
               Measurement parameters
                                              Particle size
 The particle size distributions and scatter plots obtained from the   Area circle equivalent diameter, perimeter equivalent diameter, maximum length,
                                               maximum perpendicular length, vertical Feret diameter, horizontal Feret diameter,
 measurements are shown in Fig. 1. Particle images are shown in Fig. 2.   particle perimeter, envelope perimeter, etc.
 The particle images can be used to distinguish between aggregates, air   Shape analysis
 bubbles, and oil droplets. Particle concentration measurement results   All  Circularity, aspect ratio, horizontal bounding rectangle aspect ratio, etc.
 are shown in Table 2 and Fig. 3.  Fig. 3   Count Concentration for Respective Particle Sizes  Other parameters
 Though it is difficult to analyze the shape of particles smaller than 5   Particle area, average brightness, etc.
 μm, detecting them is possible.  Conclusion  Statistical analysis items  Average, standard deviation, CV, median (50 % value), mode value, user defined %
   iSpect DIA-10 systems can measure very small quantities of samples   value
 Absolute Amount (Diff)(count)  Absolute Amount (Diff)(count)  with excellent imaging efficiency. Even the type of insoluble subvisible   Display items  Particle image, histogram, scattergram, cumulative distribution,  Pharmacokinetics
                                              frequency/integration table, user defined area particle count
 particles can be predicted from particle images, making it ideally
 suited for evaluating the concentration of micrometer-level insoluble
               Required sample volume
                                              50 to 1000 μL
 Area Based Diameter (µm)  Area Based Diameter (µm)  subvisible particles contained in biopharmaceuticals.  Pump  Syringe pump with 0.1 mL/min flowrate
 Application Examples (Shimadzu Application News No.)   Wetted part materials   Measurement unit:   PEEK resin, fluorine resin, quartz, or fluorine rubber
 Aspect Ratio  Aspect Ratio  •  Evaluating the concentration of insoluble particles in biopharmaceuticals  Pump unit:   Fluorine resin or glass

 •  Evaluating contaminants, coarse particles, and particle shapes in   Dimensions and weight   Measurement unit:   W 223 mm × D 465 mm × H 205 mm, 10 kg  Others
 Area Based Diameter (µm)  Area Based Diameter (µm)  pharmaceuticals  Pump unit:   W 97 mm × D 190 mm × H 150 mm, 3 kg
 a) Heat Aggregate Sample  b) Stirring Aggregate Sample
 • Evaluating the size of suspended particles in eye drops (Q122)
 Fig. 1   Particle Size Distribution and Scatter Diagrams  *1 Performance guarantee range of area circle equivalent diameter. Measured using a Shimadzu NIST traceable particle size standard sample.
               *2 Measured using concentration standard samples specified by Shimadzu.

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