Page 43 - Pharmaceutical- Guide to Biopharmaceutical
P. 43

Characterization  Quality Control

 Evaluating the Thermal Stability of Proteins  DSC-60 Plus

 Using a Differential Scanning Calorimeter to   benefits

 Measure the Thermal Stability of Proteins                                                                         Cell Line Optimization
 click here            •  The thermal stability of proteins can be easily evaluated.
                       •  The stability due to pH or solvent differences can be evaluated.
 Operating Principle and Features  DSC
 mW                    •   With the built-in liquid nitrogen cooling chamber, the system can be used to evaluate
 A differential scanning calorimeter (DSC) can measure the enthalpy   the protein effects of freezing.
 changes in heat energy generated (endothermic or exothermic) as a
 sample is heated or cooled. Sample and reference solutions are placed   0.20                                      Culture
 in approx. 6 mm diameter cells, with the cells placed in thermally
 symmetric positions within the furnace, and then the furnace is heated
 or cooled at a constant rate. For example, when proteins are heated at
 a constant rate, denaturation can cause the three-dimensional structure   0.00
 to begin unfolding. DSC systems can measure the thermal changes that
 occur during that process as endothermic peaks (thermal denaturation   74.9 ゚C
 temperatures). Due to its superior baseline stability, the DSC-60 Plus
 can easily measure the thermal changes of samples in solution.  -0.20

 Operating Procedure and Measurement   40.00  60.00  80.00  100.00                                                 Purification
 Conditions  Fig. 1   Endothermic Peak of 2.5 % Lysozyme Solution
 Temp [゚C ]

 Samples were prepared by diluting lysozyme from chicken egg white
 with a phosphate buffer solution (pH 7.05) to the concentrations   DSC
 indicated in Table 1. Then, 20 µL of the sample was sealed with an   mW
 aluminum hermetic cell. Using 20 μL of the phosphate buffer solution as   0.10
 a reference sample, the samples were heated from 35 to 105 °C at a rate
 of 5 °C per minute to measure the thermal denaturation temperatures.
 To investigate the effect of protein pH, three 0.2 mol/L phosphate
 buffer solutions with pH 4.20, pH 7.05, and pH 9.10, were used as                                                 Characterization
 solvents for preparing and measuring the 10 % lysozyme solutions.   0.00
 The temperature was increased from 40 to 100 °C at a rate of 5 °C per   75.1 ゚ C
 Table 1   Samples Used
 Sample  Concentration
 Lysozyme in Fig. 1  2.5 % of protein  -0.10
 Lysozyme in Fig. 2  0.2 % of protein  Specifications
 40.00  60.00  80.00  100.00
 Temp [゚C ]
 Results  Fig. 2   Endothermic Peak of 0.2 % Lysozyme Solution  Instrument  DSC-60 Plus                            Quality Control
               Method                  Heat flow
 With 0.2 % or 2.5 % lysozyme, endothermic peaks from thermal   DSC
 mW            Measurement temperature range  -140 to 600 °C (when using liquid nitrogen with cooling chamber included standard)
 denaturation appear near 75 °C, which confirms that protein thermal
 denaturation temperatures can be measured in dilute 0.2 % solutions   Heat measurement range  ±150 mW
 (Fig. 1 and 2).  ー pH9.10  Baseline noise  0.5 μW max. (RMS value for a blank held at 150 °C)
 It also shows that stability is highest for lysozyme with pH 4.20, which   ー pH7.05
 1.00          Atmosphere              Nitrogen, inert gas, or dry air gas flow
 had the highest thermal denaturation temperature (Fig. 3).  ー pH4.20
               External dimensions     W 320 mm × D 500 mm × H 290 mm
 Conclusion  0.00  Weight              28 kg
 DSC systems can easily measure the thermal denaturation temperatures   72.01゚C  Power requirement  100 / 120 / 220 / 230 / 240 V AC ±10 %, 50/60 Hz, 800 VA
 of proteins and can be used for evaluating the thermal stability   -1.00  72.72゚C  77.43゚C  Optional  SSCP-1 sample sealer and crimp press
 to provide an index for a variety of other evaluations, such as for   Cell compatible with crimp attachment  *1
 evaluating the stability of modified proteins or considering different   Cell compatible with sealing attachment *2
 storage solvents.  -2.00              Aluminum crimped cell *1
                                       Aluminum sealed cell  *2
 40.00  60.00  80.00  100.00
 Application Examples (Shimadzu Application News No.)   Fig. 3   Changes in Lysozyme Stability depending on pH  *1 Used in Application News T152  Others
 Temp [゚C ]
               *2 Used in Fig. 1 to 3 (p. 42)
 • Evaluating the stability of proteins
 • Evaluating crystal polymorphism in pharmaceuticals (T152)

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