Page 45 - Pharmaceutical- Guide to Biopharmaceutical
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Quality Control

 Controlling Elemental Impurities  ICPMS-2030

 Analysis by ICP Mass Spectrometry Specified in   benefits

 the ICH Q3D Guideline for Elemental Impurities                                                                    Cell Line Optimization
 click here            •   Using Shimadzu’s unique mini-torch plasma system, samples can be measured at half
                         the running cost of previous systems.
 Operating Principle and Features  Table 1   Measurement Conditions
 Instrument  ICPMS-2030  •   The collision cell offers high sensitivity and low interference to enable simultaneous
 ICP-MS systems are generally considered to offer the highest sensitivity   RF power  1.2 kW  measurement of all target elements evaluated.
 available for elemental analysis. These systems use an inductively coupled   Plasma gas flowrate  8.0 L/min
 argon plasma (ICP) generated at about 10,000 °C to ionize elements in   Auxiliary gas flowrate  1.1 L/min   •   If the Development and Diagnosis Assistant functions, an industry first, are used,   Culture
 liquid samples and then analyze the ions by mass spectrometry with the   Carrier gas flowrate  0.60 L/min  data can be analyzed in one tenth the time required previously. (Click here for the
 Sample injection
 ability to detect elements down to the ppt level.  Chamber  Cyclone chamber (electronically cooled)
 Given that elemental impurities in pharmaceuticals must be   Plasma torch  Mini-torch  assistant functions.)
 controlled to very low concentrations, ICP-MS systems have been   Collision gas   He
 attracting attention because of their high sensitivity. They also have
 disadvantages, however, such as high argon gas consumption rates   Table 2   Tablet Analysis Results
 and high running costs. In contrast, ICPMS-2030 enables analysis at   Oral   Detection Limit   Measurement   Spiked
 Spike and
 about one half the cost overall. This is because it features Shimadzu’s   Preparation   Concentration *1  (3  σ) Converted   Value   Concentration   Recovery Rate
 for Tablet
 unique mini-torch plasma system that successfully reduces argon gas   PDE  Preparations *2  (in tablet)  (in tablet)
 consumption to 2/3 of conventional levels. Furthermore, relatively   µg  µg/g  µg/g  µg/g  µg/g  %                Purification
 inexpensive 99.99 % pure industrial-grade argon gas can be used   Ag  150  750  0.001  N. D.  0.1  107
 instead of 99.999 % or higher high-purity argon gas normally used for   As  15  75  0.002  N. D.  0.2  101
 ICP-MS analysis.  Au  100  500  0.001  N. D.  0.2  91
 Ba  1400  7000  0.002  0.013  0.2  96
 Measurement Method and Conditions  Cd  50 5  250  0.0006  N. D.  0.2  101
 N. D.
    Cr  11000  55000  0.003  0.017  0.4  104
 The ICH Q3D Guideline for Elemental Impurities specifies Permitted Daily   Cu  3000  15000  0.04  0.15  0.4  102
 Exposure (PDE) for 24 elements for which toxicity is a concern. We have   Hg  30  150  0.006  N. D.  0.2  100
 verified that ICPMS-2030 can adequately assess whether the guidelines are   Ir  100  500  0.0005  N. D.  0.2  98
 met. The mini-torch and low-cost industrial-grade argon gas were used.  Li  550  2750  0.01  N. D.  0.2  93
 One tablet (maximum daily dose of 0.20 g), 0.5 mL of hydrochloric   Mo  3000  15000  0.001  N. D.  0.2  107       Characterization
 acid, and 5 mL of nitric acid were placed in a quartz decomposition   Ni  200  1000  0.003  0.156  0.4  101
 vessel and decomposed in a microwave sample pretreatment system.   Os  100  500  0.007  N. D.  0.2  92
 After decomposition, 0.1 mL of hydrochloric acid was added and   Pb  5  25  0.001  0.003  0.2  105
 the mixture was made up to 20 mL with pure water to prepare the   Pd  100  500  0.006  N. D.  0.2  104
 measurement solution (100-fold dilution). Internal standard elements   Pt  100  500  0.003  N. D.  0.2  99
 Sc, Ga, Y, and Te were also added during that process (to a 10 μg/  Rh  100  500  0.0008  0.003  0.2  101  Specifications
 N. D.
 L concentration of the measurement solution). Spike-and-recovery   Ru  1200  6000  0.0009  0.007  0.2  98
 test solutions were prepared by adding measurement elements to the   Se  150  750  0.01  N. D.  0.2  98  Instrument:  ICPMS-2030
 decomposed sample.  Sn  6000  30000  0.002  N. D.  0.2  98                                                        Quality Control
 The calibration curve method with the internal standard method was   Tl  8  40  0.0005  N. D.  0.2  103  Plasma ion source unit  Spray chamber:  Cyclone chamber (Thermoelectric cooling type)
 used to quantitatively analyze and perform a spike-and-recovery test   V  100  500  0.002  N. D.  0.4  100  Peristaltic pump:  4-channel
 for the 24 elements subject to the ICH Q3D guideline according to the
 measurement conditions shown in Table 1.  *1 Permitted concentration  PDE level based on a daily intake of 0.2 g, which refers to   Plasma torch:  Mini-torch plasma system
 a permitted concentration for oral preparations  Nebulizer:  Coaxial
 Results  *2  Detection limit converted for tablet  Detection limit in measured solution (3 σ) × Dilution ratio   Torch position adjustment:  X, Y, Z-axes automatic adjustment
 preparations (3 σ)
 N.D.  Not detected
 For many of the elements, the concentration measurement value was   RF power supply unit  Frequency:  27 MHz
 “N.D.”, but concentration was nevertheless confirmed down to at   High-frequency output:  Max. 1.4 kW ± 0.3 %
 least four digits below the permitted concentration. Recovery rates                                               Pharmacokinetics
 for each added element were also good, which clearly shows that   Application Examples    Mass spectrometer unit  Mass analyzer:  Quadruple type mass spectrometer
 measurements were performed correctly (Table 2).  Mass range:  5 to 260
 • Measuring hazardous elements in public drinking water  Collision cell:  Octopole collision cell
 Conclusion  • Analyzing hazardous elements and minerals in foods  Helium gas 0 to 10 mL/min
    • Analyzing components in blood
 With the ICPMS-2030 system, the 24 elements subject to the ICH Q3D   • Evaluating the safety of pharmaceuticals  Detector:  Electron multiplier
 Guideline can be analyzed quickly and accurately at half the running   Exhaust system:  3-stage operation exhaust
 cost of conventional systems.                                                                                     Others
                                      Dimensions:           W 870 mm × D 645 mm × H 587 mm
                                                            (excluding protrusion)
                                      Weight:               145 kg
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