Page 48 - Pharmaceutical- Guide to Biopharmaceutical
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Characterization                Quality Control               Pharmacokinetics

                     Evaluating the Concentration of Antibody Drugs in Blood                                                            LCMS-8050 / 8060 / 8060NX

                                    LC/MS Bioanalysis of Antibody Drugs by                                                                                 benefits

                                 nSMOL Fab-Specific Protein Analysis Method                                                                                                                                                                  Cell Line Optimization
                                                                                                                                                •   UF Technologies provide both maximum sensitivity and maximum speed.
                                             —Example of Trastuzumab Analysis—                   click here
                                                                                                                                                •   Due to an ultra-fast 5 msec polarity switching speed, positive and negative ions can
                                                                                                                                                  be measured simultaneously.

                     Operating Principle and Features                           Table 1   LC-MS Analytical Conditions                           •   “Easy Maintenance” features lead to greater uptime.
                                                                   [LC] NexeraX2 system                                                                                                                                                      Culture
                     Shimadzu’s nSMOL method is a revolutionary LC/MS pretreatment   Column:  Shim-pack GISS C18 (50 mm × 2.1 mm I.D.)
                     method that enables Fab-specific protein decomposition of monoclonal   Column oven:  50 °C
                     antibodies. It enables the development of methods that do not depend   Solvent A:  0.1 % formic acid/water
                                                                   Solvent B:       0.1 % formic acid/acetonitrile
                     on the type of antibody drug, which represents a paradigm shift for
                                                                          Gradient:  1 % (1.5 min)→ 25 % (4.0 min)→
                     antibody drug analysis. It also satisfies criteria specified in the Guideline          (Conc. B)  → 95 % (5.0 min)→ 1 % (6.0 min)
                     on Bioanalytical Method Validation in Pharmaceutical Development   Flowrate:  0.4 mL/min
                     (Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare). Shimadzu offers   Injection:  10 µL
                     methods and protocols optimized for both. This method has been   [MS] LCMS-8050, 8060
                     optimized for the Shimadzu LCMS-8050 and LCMS-8060 triple   Ionization:  ESI Positive
                     quadrupole mass spectrometers (referred to as “LCMS-8050” and   DL:  250 °C
                     “LCMS-8060 (NX)” below).                      Heat Block:      400 °C                                                                                                                                                   Purification
                                                                   Interface:       300 °C
                     Measurement Method and Conditions             Nebulizer gas:   3 L/min
                                                                   Drying gas:
                                                                                    10 L/min
                                                                   Heating gas:     10 L/min
                     Human blood plasma spiked with trastuzumab was pretreated by the
                     nSMOL method and then Fab-derived peptides were obtained. Then   Table 2   MRM Transitions of Quantified Peptides in Trastuzumab
                     the content of trastuzumab in the blood plasma was quantitatively   Peptide  MRM transition  Purpose
                     analyzed by LC-MS (Table 1). The results were fully validated in    P 14 R  512.1 > 292.3 (b3+)  For quantitation (IS)
                     accordance with the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare   512.1 > 389.3 (b4+)  For structural confirmation
                     Guideline on Bioanalytical Method Validation in Pharmaceutical   512.1 > 660.4 (b6+)  For structural confirmation
                     Development.                                   IYPTNGYTR  542.8 > 404.7 (y7++)  For quantitation                                                                                                                        Characterization
                                                                              542.8 > 808.4 (y7+)  For structural confirmation
                     Results                                                  542.8 > 610.3 (y5+)  For structural confirmation
                                                                              Note: Quantitation range in human blood plasma  :0.0610 to 250 μg/mL
                                                                                 Averaged accuracy   :100.7 %
                     The peptide to be quantified (signature peptide) is selected from trypsin
                     peptide fragments that include complementarity-determining regions
                     (CDRs) that determine antibody specificity. However, even if a peptide
                     contains CDRs, there is no guarantee its sequence is not identical to
                     endogenous IgG. That requires confirming that they do not compete
                     within the biological matrix used. However, given the operating
                     principle of mass spectrometers, they can only obtain basic m/z and                                                                                                                                                     Quality Control
                     signal intensity information. Therefore, a data analysis method able to
                     obtain high-quality and accurate analytical results by simultaneously                                              Specifications
                     using quantitative MRM settings for bioanalysis and using MRM
                     monitoring for structural confirmation (Table 2 and Fig. 1) was used.                                               Model              LCMS-8050              LCMS-8060              LCMS-8060 NX
                                                                          Fig. 1   MRM Chromatogram of IYPTNGYTR in Human Blood Plasma
                     That resulted in satisfying the Japanese Ministry of Health, Labour and                                             Mass range         m/z 2 to 2000          m/z 2 to 2000          m/z 2 to 2000
                                                                                  Table 3   Full Validation Results
                     Welfare guideline (Table 3) and obtaining a good calibration curve.
                                                                   Precision and Accuracy                                                        ESI positive  1 pg reserpine,     1 pg reserpine,        1 pg reserpine,
                                                                     Set Concentration (µg/mL)  Data Average (N = 15)  Accuracy (%)  CV (%)                 S/N > 500,000:1 (RMS)  S/N > 1,500,000:1 (RMS)  S/N > 1,500,000:1 (RMS)
                     Conclusion                                           2.93           2.58      88.1   8.2                            Sensitivity  ESI negative  1 pg chloramphenicol,   1 pg chloramphenicol,   1 pg chloramphenicol,
                                                                          200            211       106    5.6                                               S/N > 500,000:1 (RMS)  S/N > 1,500,000:1 (RMS)  S/N > 1,500,000:1 (RMS)
                     LC/MS quantitative analysis of antibody drugs in blood plasma (0.06                                                                                                                                                     Pharmacokinetics
                                                                   Freeze-thaw Test
                     μg/mL lower limit of quantitation) can be performed using the same   Set Concentration (µg/mL)  Data Average (N = 5)  Accuracy (%)  Temp (°C)  Resolution  R < 0.7 u (FWHM) and adjustable   R < 0.7 u (FWHM) and adjustable   R < 0.7 u (FWHM) and adjustable
                     assay method for everything from preclinical testing to human clinical   2.93  2.87  98.1  -20                                         to 0.5 u               to 0.5 u               to 0.5 u
                     trials.                                              200            199       99.7   -20                            Mass stability     0.05 u/24 hr           0.05 u/24 hr           0.05 u/24 hr
                                                                   Long-term Stability Test
                     Application Examples                            Set Concentration (µg/mL)  Data Average (N = 5)  Accuracy (%)  Temp (°C)  Mass accuracy  0.1 u                0.1 u                  0.1 u
                                                                          2.93           3.03      104    -20                            Scan speed         Max. 30,000 u/sec      Max. 30,000 u/sec      Max. 30,000 u/sec
                     • Quantitating monoclonal antibodies in blood serum or blood plasma  200  209  101   -20                                                                                                                                Others
                                                                   Processed Sample Stability for 48 Hours                               Polarity switching time  5 msec           5 msec                 5 msec
                                                                     Set Concentration (µg/mL)  Data Average (N = 5)  Accuracy (%)  Temp (°C)  Interface    Standard: ESI          Standard: ESI          Standard: IonFocus (ESI, DUIS)
                                                                          2.93           3.67      91.2   5
                                                                                                                                                            Optional: Micro-ESI, APCI, DUIS  Optional: Micro-ESI, APCI, DUIS  Optional: Micro-ESI, APCI
                                                                          200            211       106    5

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