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                     Comprehensive Metabolite Analysis                                                                                  GCMS-TQ8040 NX

                                                                                                                                        LCMS-8040 / 8050

                                 Comprehensive Analysis of All Metabolites Using

                               GC/MS and LC/MS for Researching Intestinal Bacteria                                                                                                                                                           Cell Line Optimization
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                     Operating Principle and Features                       High           Peptides LC/MS                                       •   The world’s largest metabolite database includes preregistered optimized methods.
                     Metabolomic analysis using a mass spectrometer generally involves using a   Molecular weight  Nucleotides, Lipids          •   MRM measurements can detect components not detectable by scan or SIM modes.
                                                                                         Steroids, Vitamins
                     gas chromatograph mass spectrometer (GC-MS) or high-performance liquid   Nucleosides,                                      •   High-speed MRM analysis enables simultaneous analysis of multiple components to
                                                                                         Sugar phosphates
                     chromatograph mass spectrometer (LC-MS) to comprehensively analyze   Hydrocarbons  Sugars, Amino acids,                                                                                                                 Culture
                     all the metabolites (metabolome) contained in a sample. That requires   Esters  Organic acids                                achieve comprehensive high-sensitivity analysis.
                     selectively using GC/MS or LC/MS based on the target components being   Ketones  Fatty acids
                     analyzed or the given purpose of analysis, as illustrated in Fig. 1. Using a
                     GC/MS to analyze hydrophilic metabolites such as amino acids, organic   Low  GC/MS  Non-volatile
                     acids, or sugars requires a derivatization process, but it offers superior   Fig. 1   Target Components for GC/MS and LC/MS Analysis
                     robustness and can comprehensively analyze hundreds of components
                     in a single analysis. In contrast, an LC/MS can efficiently analyze specific   GC/MS/MS
                     metabolites (up to 100 components) without derivatization, making it well-  750000  (Smart Metabolites Database)
                     suited for routine analysis of specific components.  500000
                                                                     250000                                                                                                                                                                  Purification
                     Measurement Method and Conditions                 0
                                                                       (x100,000)  7.0  8.0  9.0  10.0  11.0  12.0  13.0  14.0  15.0  16.0  17.0  18.0  19.0
                     Fresh fecal samples were collected from male C57BL/6J mice raised in a   3.0  (LC/MS/MS Method Package for Primary Metabolites Ver. 2)
                                                                                                Ion pair LC/MS/MS
                     normal environment. 450 μL of a physiological phosphate buffer solution   2.0
                     was added to 50 mg of the fecal samples and then stirred. Then the   1.0
                     supernatant was ultrafiltered by centrifugal separation to extract the   0.0
                                                                       0.0  1.0  2.0  3.0  4.0  5.0  6.0  7.0  8.0  9.0  10.0  11.0  12.0  min
                     metabolites. To analyze the primary metabolites by GC-MS/MS, the filtrate   (x10,000,000)
                                                                                               Ion pair-free LC/MS/MS
                     was derivatized to prepare the samples for GC-MS/MS. Meanwhile, to   1.5  (LC/MS/MS Method Package for Primary Metabolites Ver. 2)
                     analyze the primary metabolites by LC-MS/MS, the filtrate was diluted by   1.0
                     ten times with ultrapure water in preparation for LC-MS/MS.  0.5
                     For the GC/MS/MS analysis, 475 components were analyzed simultaneously   0.0                                                                                                                                            Characterization
                                                                       0.0  2.5   5.0  7.5  10.0  12.5  15.0  min
                     using an MRM method from the Smart Metabolites Database, which   Fig. 2   MRM Chromatograms of Mouse Fecal Extract
                     includes MRM information for 475 components, mainly for metabolites
                     included in biological samples. For the LC/MS/MS analysis, a method of
                     ion pair LC/MS/MS and a method of ion pair-free LC/MS/MS were used
                     for analysis in LCMS-8040 and LCMS-8050 systems. The method of ion
                     pair LC/MS/MS is intended for simultaneous analysis of 55 metabolite
                     components important for metabolomic analysis in the life sciences, such
                     as for analyzing the glycolytic system, TCA cycle, pentose phosphate
                     pathway, or amino acids/nucleotides, whereas the method of ion pair-free                                                                                                                                                Quality Control
                     LC/MS/MS is intended for simultaneous analysis of 97 organic acid and
                     other metabolite components that cannot be analyzed using the method
                     of ion pair LC/MS/MS. Both methods are included in the LC/MS/MS
                     Method Package for Primary Metabolites Ver. 2.       Fig. 3   Number of Metabolites Detected from Mouse Fecal Extract
                                                                   Because GC/MS/MS and LC/MS/MS methods target different               Specifications
                     The GC/MS/MS analysis detected 100 components, mostly short-chain   components, comprehensive analysis of metabolites is enabled by
                     fatty acids and organic acids. It even detected 17 sugar components   using both methods. Furthermore, by using the MRM database for   Instrument  GCMS-TQ8040 NX
                     that are difficult to analyze by LC or LC/MS/MS (Fig. 2). The ion pair   GC/MS/MS analysis and method packages for LC/MS/MS analysis,                                                                                   Pharmacokinetics
                     method detected 17 components, including mainly amino acids. The   comprehensive analysis can be easily performed by operators who   GC unit  Oven temperature: Room temperature + 2 to 450 °C
                     ion pair-free method detected 75 components, including amino acids,   are not very familiar with this analysis. The large amounts of data   Carrier gas control: Constant liner velocity, constant pressure, or constant flowrate
                                                                                                                                                               Flow controller pressure: Max. 970 kPa
                     nucleotides, nucleosides, and organic acids involved in the TCA cycle (Fig. 2).   generated can be interpreted easily by using Shimadzu’s Multi-Omic
                     Therefore, it is extremely useful to use both GC/MS/MS and LC/MS/MS for   Data Analysis package to visualize the data. These sample and data   MS unit  Ionization: EI (standard), CI, NCI (optional)
                     comprehensively analyzing metabolites in fecal samples.  analysis methods should be extremely useful not only for researching             Mass range: m/z 10 to 1090
                                                                   intestinal flora, but also for metabolomic analysis in a wide variety of                    MRM max. speed: >800 MRM/sec
                     This article was prepared with generous cooperation from Takanari Hattori *1, *2 , Akihiko   other pharmacokinetic applications.          Measurement modes:  Scan mode, SIM mode, MRM mode,
                     Kunisawa *1,*2 , Shuichi Kawano , Shinichi Kono *1,*2 , Yoshihiro Hayakawa , Junko Iida *1,*2 , Eiichiro                                                 product ion scan mode,                                         Others
                     Fukusaki *2,*3 , Mitsuharu Matsumoto .                                                                                                                   precursor ion scan mode,
                     *1 Analytical & Measuring Instruments Division, Shimadzu Corporation  Application Examples                                                               and neutral loss scan mode,
                     *2 Osaka University and Shimadzu Analytical Innovation Research Laboratory                                                                               or simultaneous analysis with any combination thereof.
                     *3 Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University
                     *4 Research Laboratories, Kyodo Milk Industry Co., Ltd.  • Simultaneous analysis of metabolites (metabolomics)                            Weight: 110 kg for GC-MS main units and 10 kg for auxiliary pump
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