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                     Biomarker Discovery by Volatile Gas Analysis                                                                       HS-20 Trap / GCMS-QP2020 NX

                                                                                                                                        HS-20 / Nexis GC-2030 / SCD-2030

                                Analysis of Volatile Gases Generated

                                      by Intestinal Microorganisms                                                                                                                                                                           Cell Line Optimization
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                     Operating Principle and Features               GC/MS (Comprehensive Analysis of Volatile Substances)                       •   The HS-20 headspace sampler enables high-sensitivity analysis of volatile gases without pretreatment.
                                                                    GC/MS (Comprehensive Analysis of Volatile Substances)
                                                                    GC/MS (Comprehensive Analysis of Volatile Substances)                       •   Using the HS-20 trap mode enables even higher sensitivity.
                     Microorganisms (flora) in intestines generate a wide variety of
                     volatile substances. Comprehensive analysis of such flora is used                                                          •   The GC-SCD system enables selectively analyzing sulfur components with high sensitivity.
                     for biomarker discovery and other research. Volatile substances                                                                                                                                                         Culture
                     can be comprehensively analyzed using a gas chromatograph mass
                     spectrometer in combination with a headspace sampler unit (HS-20 +
                     GCMS-QP2020 NX).
                     Volatile sulfur compounds can be analyzed with high sensitivity by
                     using the headspace sampler in combination with an SCD detector that
                     detects only sulfur components with high sensitivity (HS-20 + Nexis                Ex-GF mouse
                                                                                                        Ex-GF mouse
                     GC-2030 + SCD-2030).                                                               GF mouse
                                                                                                        Ex-GF mouse
                                                                      10.0  15.0  20.0  25.0  30.0  35.0  40.0  45.0  50.0  55.0 GF mouse
                                                                      10.0  15.0  20.0  25.0  30.0  35.0  40.0  45.0  50.0  55.0  60.0
                                                                                                        GF mouse
                     Measurement Method and Conditions                10.0  15.0  20.0  Fig. 1   GC/MS Total Ion Chromatogram  50.0  55.0  60.0
                                                                   GC-SCD (Selective Analysis of Sulfur-Based Volatile Substances)      Specifications
                     Fresh fecal samples from both germ-free and flora-intact mice were   GC-SCD (Selective Analysis of Sulfur-Based Volatile Substances)
                     placed directly into headspace vials. The vials were filled with anaerobic   GC-SCD (Selective Analysis of Sulfur-Based Volatile Substances)  Instrument  HS-20 Trap / GCMS-QP2020 NX
                     gas, sealed, and left to cultivate for 24 hours. Then the vials were
                     placed in the headspace sampler and the evolved gases were analyzed                                                 HS unit               Sample injection methods: Sample loop or adsorbent trap
                                                                                                                                                               Samples: 90
                     by GC/MS and GC-SCD. (For detailed analytical conditions, refer to the                                                                    Oven temperature: Room temperature + 10 to 300 °C (1 °C steps)
                     site linked to the title.)                                                                                                                Weight: 40 kg (HS-20Trap)
                                                                                                                                         GC unit               Oven temperature: Room temperature + 2 to 450 °C
                                                                                                       Ex-GF mouse
                     Results                                                                           Ex-GF mouse                                             Carrier gas control: Constant liner velocity, constant pressure, or constant flowrate
                                                                                                       Ex-GF mouse                                             Flow controller pressure: Max. 970 kPa
                     The total ion chromatogram (TIC) from a comprehensive analysis of
                                                                                                        GF mouse                         MS unit               Ionization: EI (standard), CI, NCI (optional)                                 Characterization
                     volatile substances (Fig. 1) and the chromatogram from analyzing                   GF mouse                                               Mass range: m/z 1.5 to 1090
                     sulfur-based volatile substances (Fig. 2) both confirmed that a larger   0.0 0.0  5.0 5.0  10.0  15.0  20.0  25.0  30.0  35.0  40.0  45.0  50.0 GF mouse min  Measurement modes: Scan, SIM, and scan/SIM simultaneous measurement
                     number and quantity of volatile substances were detected from the   0.0  5.0  10.0  15.0  Fig. 2   GC-SCD Chromatogram  40.0  45.0  50.0  min  High-speed scan rate: 20,000 u/sec
                     flora-intact mouse than the germ-free mouse. They also confirmed that                                                                     Weight: 85 kg for GC-MS main units and 10 kg for auxiliary pump
                     GC-SCD analysis can detect and identify sulfur compounds, which can        Mouse C
                     have low peak intensity or overlap with other peaks in GC/MS results.  10  Mouse C
                     GC/MS data for 121 types of compounds acquired from two samples   10       Mouse C
                     taken from each of six mice with intact flora was analyzed by principal   5  Mouse E  EX-GF3-2  EX-GF3-1
                                                                      5          Mouse E  EX-GF3-2
                     component analysis using SIMCA15 multivariate analysis software.   Mouse F  EX-GF7-2
                                                                      5    Mouse F  Mouse E  EX-GF3-2
                     In the score plot obtained from the above measurements (Fig. 3), the   t[2]  0  Mouse F  EX-GF8-2 EX-GF7-2  Mouse B                                                                                                     Quality Control
                                                                                              Mouse B
                     smallest clusters were formed from samples taken from the same   t[2]  t[2]  0  EX-GF8-1 EX-GF8-2  EX-GF5-2 EX-GF7-1 EX-GF2-1  EX-GF2-2
                                                                                              Mouse B
                     individual. The individual-specific clusters clearly show that the system   0  EX-GF8-2  EX-GF5-2  EX-GF2-1  EX-GF2-2  EX-GF1-1
                                                                      -5               EX-GF2-1  EX-GF1-2  Mouse A
                     can detect differences between individuals.      -5           EX-GF5-2 Mouse D  EX-GF1-2 EX-GF1-1
                                                                                                    Mouse A
                                                                                      Mouse D
                                                                      -5                        EX-GF1-2  Mouse A
                                                                                      Mouse D
                     Conclusion                                      -10
                                                                     -10                                                                Specifications
                     This example confirmed that volatile gases generated from intestinal   -15 -15  -25  -20  -15  -10  -5  0  5  10  15  20
                     flora can be analyzed without pretreatment using GC/MS and GC-SCD.   -15  -25  -20  -15  R2X[1] = 0.54, R2X[2] = 0.141, Ellipse: Hotelling'sT2 (95 %)  15  20  Instrument  HS-20/Nexis GC-2030 (SCD-2030 detector)
                                                                                                 SIMCA 15.0.2 -2020/04/21 13:48:33 (UTC+9)
                                                                      -25  -20  -15  R2X[1] = 0.54, R2X[2] = 0.141, Ellipse: Hotelling'sT2 (95 %)  15  20
                     GC/MS enables comprehensive analysis, whereas GC-SCD enables       t[1]     SIMCA 15.0.2 -2020/04/21 13:48:33 (UTC+9)  HS unit            Sample injection method: Sample loop method
                                                                                 R2X[1] = 0.54, R2X[2] = 0.141, Ellipse: Hotelling'sT2 (95 %)
                     analysis of low-concentration sulfur components that are difficult to   Fig. 3   Results (Score Plot) from Multivariate Analysis of Flora-Intact Mouse Analysis Results  Samples: 90                                    Pharmacokinetics
                                                                                                 SIMCA 15.0.2 -2020/04/21 13:48:33 (UTC+9)
                     detect by GC/MS. Using the methods in combination can be useful for                                                                       Oven temperature: Room temperature + 10 to 300 °C (1 °C steps)
                     biomarker discovery and other pharmacokinetic applications.                                                                               Weight: 33 kg (HS-20)
                                                                                                                                         GC unit               Oven temperature: Room temperature + 2 to 450 °C
                                                                   We would like to acknowledge Principal Investigator Dr. Mitsuharu Matsumoto at Kyodo Milk
                     Application Examples                          Industry Co., Ltd. for providing samples and other help with conducting the above measurements.  Sample injection unit temperature: Max. 450 °C
                                                                                                                                                               Carrier gas control: Constant liner velocity, constant pressure, or constant flowrate
                     • Comprehensive analysis of volatile components                                                                                           Flow controller pressure: Max. 970 kPa
                                                                                                                                                               Weight: 43.5 kg (SPL/FID model)
                     • High sensitivity analysis of volatile sulfur compounds                                                                                                                                                                Others
                     • Discovery of new biomarkers                                                                                       SCD unit              Minimum detection quantity: <0.3 pgS/s (dibenzothiophene)
                                                                                                                                                               Dynamic range: >10 4
                                                                                                                                                               Selectivity: >10  (S/C)
                                                                                                                                                               Weight: 27 kg
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